I have an entire blog about this one
Interesting subjects that actually exist, but do not have a Wikipedia article. And might never be found on Wikipedia. People, places and things. If it's patent nonsense, you won't find it here. Over time it's possible entries here might appear on Wikipedia. If you come across this most rare event, please let me know.
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Friday, December 22, 2023
The Parody Inversion Point (Scott Adams cane up with it)
PIP would be a good acronym, if it didn't already stand for 161 other things
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Anderson Lee Aldrich, convicted mass murderer, shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colorado
No article allowed on Wikipedia
It's the same for Club Q, no article allowed on Wikipedia
It's the same problem we find with the Subway Vigilante or Bernhard Goetz, but not Omar Mateen
Sunday, December 10, 2023
The annual update entry
Just kidding, I almost never do an annual update. The trend continues of more and more information being deleted from Wikipedia. Some of it can be found in the edit history. But when a deletion of an article happens, all history of it is also removed.
But sometimes, if you dig down, you might find info that somebody didn't want on Wikipedia. but they weren't smart enough to be able to delete it.
Usually talk pages. I'm not going to explain it here. The last time I did that somebody who read it here, went to Wikipedia and deleted what I mentioned.
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Children won't know what snow is, Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past
From the year 2000
Children won't know what snow is
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Crotch Novel (also Crouch Novel) also The Crouch
Fortunately there is an unbound urban dictionary, for when you come across new terms and want to know what they mean.
Crouch novel was suggested by the Wikipedia software when searching for "crotch novel". Nobody knows what that means. While trying find out I learned about the Crouch, which is also not found on wikipedia.
Scientific papers and letters, of all kinds
High-frequency winter cooling and reef coral mortality during the Holocene climatic optimum
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
The Jomon transgression
Like many of the entries noted here, the term is used on Wikipedia, but does not have an article.
There are a LOT of scientific papers that either are about it, or mention it, in regards to the Jomon Period.
It is also called the marine transgression in the Jomon Period
the marine transgression in the Jomon Period
Monday, November 13, 2023
Triple blinded experiment, triple blinded study, Triple-blinding
Not found on Wikipedia. While a redirect would help, the article on blinding offers little on the subject. A re-direct would not be very helpful.
Although rarely implemented, triple-blind studies occur when group assignment is hidden not only from participants and administrators, but also from those tasked with analyzing the data after the experiment has concluded.
Researchers may expect a certain outcome and analyze the data in different ways until they arrive at the outcome they expected, even if it is merely a result of chance.
Sunday, November 5, 2023
The words of H. H. Lamb from his 1984 lecture to the British Association for the Advancement of Science
As is so often the case, what is not found, used to be found. Somebody with an agenda removed it, and made sure it could not be found.
In a 1984 lecture on "the future of the earth" given to the [[British Science Association|British Association for the Advancement of Science]], Lamb cautioned that the effects of carbon dioxide on global warming might be less than expected, and pointed to the possibilities of error or misjudgement in preparing temperature series, referring particularly to the [[urban heat island]] effect.<ref name="Pearce IX">[[Fred Pearce|Pearce, Fred]], ''The Climate Files: The Battle for the Truth about Global Warming'', (2010) [[Guardian Books]], ISBN: 978-0-85265-229-9, pp. 29–30.</ref>
The person who deleted information from Wikipedia is well known for doing this. He even was removed from his esteemed position there. (it was reported he did this to over 10,000 articles on Wikipedia)
He didn't just remove the information, he also removed the source of it, so now any infro from Fred Pearce is not found on the article.
And it's no surprise the source is also not found on Wikipedia. Not even on the Fred Pearce article.
The only place Google search finds that paragraph is on the Bishop Hill blog.
guest post by Bernie Lewin
That blog entry also includes how and who deleted the info from Wikipedia.
The blog has links to sources for more info.
Monday, September 11, 2023
It snows more when it is warmer
It snows more when it is warmer (not found)
It snows more when oceans are warm and wet
The ice core data clearly shows that it snows more when it is warmer and the oceans are more thawed. it snows less when it is colder and the oceans are more frozen. This provides self regulation that trumps chaos and external forcing changes. it is not instant. it snows more for several hundred years in a medieval warm period. the more ice flows and cools by reflecting and thawing and makes a little ice age colder. it snows less for several hundred years during a little ice age. The ice depletes due to lack of snowfall and then the ice retreats until we get a modern warm period. it is now snowing more and this will continue for a few hundred warm years and then the more ice will flow and cause another little ice age.
Not found on Wikipedia (the reasons are obvious)
Monday, September 4, 2023
Update on deaths at Burning Man
It took over ten years, but apparently now you CAN die at burning man. An update to the decade old post here
Still won't be found on Wikipedia
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Actual GHCN weather/climate data
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Southern Polar Vortex, The Antarctic vortex of the Southern Hemisphere
While the terms are used in articles, there is no article, or redirect to an article about this yearly event.
While the polar vortex article contains
The Antarctic vortex of the Southern Hemisphere
There is no redirect to that section.
Monday, July 24, 2023
The soapfish
A type of Grouper, not found, and found on Wikipedia (the astute observer will not that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammistin has a link to soapfish, which takes you to the main Grouper article. Grammistin is the "soap" that the soapfish creates.
The species in the tribes Grammistini and Diploprionini secrete a mucus-like toxin in their skin called grammistin, and when they are confined in a restricted space and subjected to stress, the mucus produces a foam that is toxic to nearby fish. These fishes are often called soapfishes. They have been classified either as their own families or within subfamilies,[13] although they are classified by the 5th Edition of the Fishes of the World, classifies these two groups as tribes within the subfamily Epinephelinae
Saturday, July 22, 2023
The Warming Hole (update)
Still nothing on Wikipedia
There are multiple warming holes now, as well as a moving warming hole. lol
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Try that in a small town (song) controversy
The controversy does not have an article on Wikipedia (July 19 2023). Yet.
Dr. Blair Peters
Dr. Blair Peters not found on Wikipedia
Notable for publicly celebrating permanent surgery on minors to "change their sex", and posting a video
Pink-haired Portland surgeon who performs sex-change surgery on trans CHILDREN admits they face lifetime of infertility, incontinence and sexual dissatisfaction, in now-deleted video
Redrum (from the Shining and Dr. Sleep)
No article. If you don't know what Redrum means, it is Murder backwards, a word Danny says, and eventually writes, so that his Mom sees it in the mirror and realizes what it means. And that is enough of a spoiler.
The reason "no article" matters, is when somebody does a Google search for something, with no article, Wikipedia does not come up on the search page. Redirects are not indexed by Google search.
Bing brings up both Urban Dictionary and a fandom wiki when you search for Redrum.
Sunday, July 16, 2023
It does rain more on the weekends
If you are in the northeastern United States, and yet another weekend has been ruined by rain, feel free to lean your head out a window and scream at a motorist. They are, for the most part, to blame. In 1998, a group of scientists at Arizona State University analyzed data going back to the 1940s, and found that a disproportionate amount of rain was hitting on weekend days. Since the seven day week isn’t natural, they went looking for some unnatural causes of the wet weekends.
There is a scientific reason why it always rains on weekends
Friday, July 14, 2023
Matt Furie (creator of Pepe the Frog)
Not allowed on Wikipedia (this one has been updated, see here) On 4 August 2023 the first effort to allow an article on Matt was made. Currently there is an article on Furie allowed)
(this is the old post below)
Matt Furie is incredibly notable, more so than every editor on Wikipedia, however, due to his being the creator of Pepe the Frog, a cartoon character, they do not want to tell his story. Or give him any credit/attention, because that's how the woke view the world.
I mean, he sued InfoWars, and won, and a hundred other alt right hate sites that were illegally using his cartoon character, and they do not want him to have an article.
Feels Bad Man
His print comics, children books and even an entire documentary film on his experience with having his work stolen by the internet, is not considered notable by the woke morons of Wikipedia. Only when Pepe became a symbol of the resistance online, mostly by 4chan, did an article on Pepe show up. Which does not mention the creator, Mark Furie. The article was desired by some moron to be deleted in less than 30 minutes. Of course.
By September 2016 he was credited with creating the character.
Pepe the Frog was created by American artist Matt Furie. The character originated in his comic, Boy's Club #1.
Within seconds it was edited to to read
Pepe the Frog was created by American artist Matt Furie as a meme expressing White Supremacy[3].
Which is completely false. Of course.
The "source" was an online glorified blog, that simply lied to everyone. Claiming -
Trump Camp’s Pepe Meme First Appeared on White Supremacist Sites
Monday, July 10, 2023
Saturday, July 8, 2023
Simple view of ethics and morals
No record can be found of deleted articles.
Bonus content. The following image is not found on Wikipedia
Friday, June 30, 2023
John Paul Mac Isaac
A huge entry, working on it. Huge entry, the very public part spans 11 years, and a lot of the sources have been deleted, censored, or something.
Definitely not found on Wikipedia. and probably never will be.
But don't take my word for it. Try creating the article, and see for yourself.
Thursday, June 29, 2023
The modern theory of magnetism
Dr Goodenough started his career at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he worked for 24 years and helped develop random-access memory for the computer.
There, he became one of the founders of the modern theory of magnetism, which has played a pivotal role in the field of telecommunications.
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Memes, in particular, the characters in the memes, and the memes thmselves
There is a online database, Know your meme
It's not always easy to find info. The above example is easy to find, "They brainwashed you", however the entry is not the one shown above. Variables are a certainty, and memes can morph and evolve with great speed online. The example here does not appear on the 'know your meme' page. But an iteration of it does.
Monday, June 26, 2023
The black BMW parked in Gatlingburg, right off the Parkway, in a very small parking spot
Almost everybody who visits Gatlingburg has been past it, and a lot of people have noticed it is always there. Mentions of it appear all over the internet.
Will not be found on Wikipedia. But is always found parked in the same spot.
Sunday, June 11, 2023
The Marble Bar heat wave (world record holder)
The Marble Bar heat wave holds the World record for longest and hottest heatwave
It used to have an official page about it on the Australian government weather site
Mentioned on Wikipedia in many other articles, but no article for the heatwave.
Which would seem odd, unless you know how Wikipedia is censored by the wokerati running it.
The "adjustments" made by the authorities made it vanish, which is hilarious, and tragic.
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Ashli Babbitt
Currently a lot of people know who Ashli Babbitt was.
Just as they have heard of George Floyd.
Both were killed (or murdered) by the police. One of them has an article about their death, as well as an extensive article on their life.
One of them was a criminal with a long record, who violently fought with the police.
The other had no criminal record, was a veteran of two military conflicts, worked at a nuclear power plant, and was at the vanguard of an unarmed invasion of the Capital building on Jan 6 2020. She was shot in the face with out being arrested
Like many other famous/infamous people, Ashli Babbitt is not allowed to have a Wikipedia article. Because the people who control Wikipedia won't allow it.
This kind of censorship of entire articles, and people on Wikipedia is why I started this blog.
Monday, April 10, 2023
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Daniel Perry or Garrett Foster
A Travis County jury found Army Sgt. Daniel Perry, 33, guilty of murder on Friday, almost three years after he shot and killed Austin protester Garrett Foster.
In 2021 Perry was indicted for murder, aggravated assault and deadly conduct charges for shooting Foster during a July 2020 protest in downtown Austin. The jury also found Perry not guilty of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after deliberating for 17 hours Thursday and Friday following an eight-day trial.
The indictment came one year after Texans took to the streets to protest police brutality following the murder of George Floyd, a Black man killed by a white Minneapolis police officer in May 2020.
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Lake Tulare has a twitter account
Not only is that not listed on the Wikipedia page for Tulare Lake, Twitter appears nowhere on the page at all.
Groundwater pumping in Tulare Lake has lowered the ground level by 11 feet
You won't find that fact on Wikipedia.
The woke who have taken over Wikipedia are ruining it.
You also won't find the term "land barons", or why Tulare was turned into farmland.
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Before modern levees and dams were built, the Sacramento Valley would become an inland sea
Not found on Wikipedia.
"Before modern levees and dams were built, the Sacramento Valley would become an inland sea"
Before modern levees and dams were built to contain the rivers, winter storms and spring run-off frequently turned the Sacramento Valley into an inland sea, making the Buttes an island refuge for California Indians, settlers and wildlife.
Maidu`s Spirit Mountain
Native American name for the
Sutter Buttes
Not found on Wikipedia. A redirect and an edit to the article on the Buttes would fix this
But I like that it's not found on Wikipedia. Because a Google search for Maidu`s Spirit Mountain takes you to the linked source above, and not to Wikipedia. Which means you find something else not found on Wikipedia.
Before modern levees and dams were built to contain the rivers, winter storms and spring run-off frequently turned the Sacramento Valley into an inland sea, making the Buttes an island refuge for California Indians, settlers and wildlife.
Monday, April 3, 2023
Holocene climactic optimum
This one was a surprise. I looked at the edit history of
curprev 16:54, 21 April 2007 Moheroy talk contribs 39 bytes +39 created redirect to Holocene climactic optimum thank
The redirect actually goes to Holocene climatic optimum, so yes, the "Holocene climactic optimum" does now exist on wikipedia.
Too funny.
The Hypsithermal followed the cool climate of earliest Holocene time (pollen zone IV=Preboreal) and preceded an interval of cool late Holocene climate (pollen zone IX=Subatlantic).
Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, 2007
Monday, March 20, 2023
NeRF - (Neural Radiance Fields)
(Neural Radiance Fields) Not found on Wikipedia (it was, but then deleted January 31 2023)
NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis
This one will definitely change at some point. But for now ...
A page with this title has previously been moved or deleted.
If you are creating a new page with different content, please continue. If you are recreating a page similar to the previously deleted page, or are unsure, please first contact the user(s) who performed the action(s) listed below.
- 12:24, 31 January 2023 SouthernNights talk contribs deleted page Neural Radiance Fields (R2: Cross-namespace redirect from mainspace) (thank)
- 11:41, 31 January 2023 Reading Beans talk contribs moved page Neural Radiance Fields to Draft:Neural Radiance Fields (Not ready for mainspace, incubate in draftspace) (revert) Tag: moveToDraft (thank)
Friday, March 10, 2023
Climate history of Ironwood MI
Extensive paper using actual data from Ironwood.
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Hurst phenomena
This one surprised me. It could also be easily fixed.
It refers to a statistical methodology for distinguishing random from non-random systems and to identify the persistence of trends
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Monkey Fever, Manganakayile or Monkey Disease
Monkey Fever also called Manganakayile (The name in Kannada, a Dravidian language spoken predominantly by the people of Karnataka in southwestern India]
It appears as
Kyasanur Forest disease
But when NIV’s scientists isolated the virus from a Hanuman langur, they found it to be a pathogen distinct from the Yellow Fever virus. They named the virus after the Kyasanur Forest, where it was first found.
It was also NIV’s scientists who came up with an early working hypothesis of where in the forest the virus was coming from — their research suggested that the virus survived in rodents. However, they found that monkeys also played an important role in disease transmission. When ticks transmitted the virus to monkeys, monkeys amplified the virus, thus turning their bodies into disease hotspots. Unsuspecting forest dwellers venturing near these sick monkeys were highly likely to become infected, again through tick bites. This is how KFD got its common moniker: the Monkey Fever or manganakayile in Kannada.
source 2022
Found this info while researching vaccines that don't work, and the corruption graft and lies surrounding the matter. Something else not found on Wikipedia.
The following info on the vaccine is out of date and incorrect.
Prevention is by vaccination, as well as preventive measures such as protective clothing and tick population control. The vaccine for KFDV consists of formalin-inactivated KFDV. The vaccine has a 62.4% effectiveness rate for individuals who receive two doses. For individuals who receive an additional dose, the effectiveness increases to 82.9%.[15]