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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Christ Family (cult) and Lightning Amen (Charles Franklin McHugh)

Christ Family, started by Charles McHugh: McHugh, a.k.a. Lightening Amen, claimed to be the incarnation of Jesus. Followers dress in robes, no shoes, practice vegetarianism. source

Pictures of Lightning Amen (says he was Jesus Christ) -  Drug arrest and prison for Amen -

Blog with mention -  Cult forum thread - Urban dictionary (added Jan 10 2022)
Lightning Amen -- real name Charles McHugh -- died about five years ago.
Toil not - Christ Family members arrived and were quickly asked to move on in the second week of July 1981. The founder of the group was a man named Charles Franklin McHugh who wandered out of the California desert one day and dubbed himself Jesus Christ Lightning Amen. 
source (has picture)

Yahoo questions

Forum with threads about

Another forum

Washington Post article May 1, 1980

In the wind (book about joining the cult)

None of this found on Wikipedia

See the comment section here for a lot more information


  1. Replies
    1. L.A. was no messiah. He lived a double life.He was a liar, serial rapist, wife and woman beater, child abuserband molester, criminal drug dealer, drug addict, who loved booze and he was a fucking racist. The biggest asshole I've ever met. His so called family was really dysfunctional. He did not walk his talk.

    2. If that dude was raping and beating women and abusing and molesting little girls he was beyond being an asshole. He was a fraud and an evil bastard.Hope he is burning in Hell!

    3. A deluded bunch of crazy people following a sick and perverted man.

  2. Most of us who knew Him were changed forever by His love and the Truth He shared. Things I read on the internet are so exaggerated and negative. It amazes me. My experience was ALL good.

    1. recently went back to Hot Springs Arkansas to find a picture and article

    2. Us? You live in a fantasy world Sister. Lightning Amen was a con artist who did not walk his talk. He was a sex and drug addict.A violent.felon and an abuser of men,women and children. He was a self absorbed megalomaniac not a God. You are very deluded.Jesus Christ is Lord not Lightning Amen.

    3. Joan, The Joan?
      I knew him.
      I was in the wind for years.
      Took years,but I finally pulled my head out of his bullshit; he was fucking you girls and getting high, admit it.

    4. I agree with Joan. 42 years after meeting the Christ Brothers, I still don't eat animals or wear leather. I have had many evolutions as my life changed and I got older, all for the good. The only people at this time that still hate me with a passions are members of my own family. My my life is rich. At 62 my integrity is intact and my self esteem is past the stars. All the drama happened after I was gone. True or not, not of it I witnessed. To this day I know I have never had sex with a Christ Sister, drank a beer with a Christ Brother and sure as hell have never shot dope with anyone. The Life of Christ is about doing unto others. I keep it simple now. I tell others, "keep up with your good deed for the day. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And conquer the Ten Commandments". All over the world, in every nation, kindred and tongue, there are those who strive to be a perfect example towards all men in every action. Peace is peace. Amen was the first brother. Did he go insane? Who knows. "My life has been a tapestry of rich and golden hues", sang Carol King. And so has mine. Every Christ Brother or Sister knows the truth of these words. One day someone ask Amen how to get closer to Him and know Him better. His answer, "You go 10,000 miles in one direction, and I will go 10,000 miles in the other. Cult? Hardly. I walked many miles on my own. No one ever asked me to get a job or give them my material wealth. No one hit on me, ever. Everything in camp was shared equally. Peace on Earth, brothers and sisters. Let us not lose sight of the goal. Jesus himself is recorded n scriptures. Children of this world marry and are given n married, but IN THE BEGINNING it was not so. As it was in the beginning, it shall be in the end. He is talking about life without death, starvation, hot cold, and even the material form. And right there, on the first page, is what the Christ Brothers taught. Amen led from the front. The first brother behind Amen was Michael. Michael related to me that meeting. He remembers thinking, no sex? Who else but Jesus Christ would be telling me no sex. peace out, christ brother here..

    5. You live in a fantasy world. You obviously did not know the real Lightning Amen. He was a pos.

    6. I will always remain true to sharing of our Divine Heavenly Fathers Miraculous Blessings He has taught me through the Grace of His Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ Who can Heal all your senses by no more eating the slaughtering and the evil bondage of our Divine Loving Creators sea, air and land families for sure it starts when you pray to awaken to know we all were deceived by every false teacher who took your stolen metal coins and stamped paper currencies in their costly house of their God who they say it's ok to eat the murdered beautiful families our Most merciful God put here to live happily free and safe under His Wing, we now pray to stay following our Good Shepherds Way to be those Blessed Peacemakers to eat all the healthy abundance of every herb bearing seed and tree yielding fruit what we now know is called the Vegan Diet fruits vegetables, grains and nuts and no more eggs, milk, or honey it is to then to Truly give our praise to our Holy Father Amen

    7. I went 10,000 miles in the other direction and never came back. Isn't that the point. I'm not denying your remarks, I am just wondering who your source is.. I thought the same thing when I was in camp in 1977 in Oregon. That is exactly how Share acted, like a jealous woman who didn't want anyone around 'her man'. But if you lived with him, you met me. Write me and let's chop it up..Where are you now? and what's new? I can assure you, I am ot living in a fantasy world. I have been flipping crack house, reuniting families, and fighting cases street side.. for a minute, I adopted a homeless camp in East Oakland, Ca.. I also developed a proactive anti crime program. I call it, 'Advanced Behavioral Science'. So don't trip, potato chip, just send me a message at

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Trust your gut feeling. The holy spirit left Lightning Amen when he started using meth, drink booze heavily and fornicating with the most beautiful"Sisters" and telling them not to tell anyone. False and deceitful profit

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. You should speak for yourself Joan. You do not represent all of the people in the cult. Yes it was and is a crazy cult with crazy followers.

    13. Barefeet barefeet barefeetNovember 7, 2020 at 7:11 AM

      Lightning Amen was a douchebag who abused the "brothers and sisters who blindly followed him. He abused them by his hypocrisy. He abused many women and children. He was having sex with Cher, Martha, Miriam and others, and telling them not to tell. He beat the crap out of Cher , Martha and others and they all believed they deserved it. Typical for abused women. He was a white , racist son of a bitch who deceived many. He was really and truly an asshole

    14. You do not live in the real world Joan. You joined a cult. Nothing about the CF was Christian. A bunch of losers,perverts, drug addicts, alcoholics and crazy people following a false prohpet.

    15. He used to be called Cotton before he tripped hard on LSD and declared himself to be the second coming of Jesus Christ. He was no messiah. Did Jesus rape and beat the crap and put the women who loved him in the hospital? No he did not, but the con artist who called himself Lightning Amen did. He beat..yes hit the women who loved him. He beat up Share and beat up Martha and other women. He abused the bitches who loved him. He was a fraud. He was a dickhead and an asshole. Rest in eternal hell Lightning Amen you sick bastard!

    16. I pray God wakes you up and shows you how crazy you've been to believe lightning amen was some messiah instead of the fraud and false prophet he really was. Sorry you were stupid.

    17. Where was the love? He preached no sex yet he fornicate with lots of the so called sisters. He was banging Cher, Martha, Miriam whenever he wanted. There were so called brothers and sisters having sex and babies too? What happens to all those babies that were born? The fraud of the man who called himself Lightning Amen, was a white trash racist women abusing bastard. Did he resurrect after he died? Anyone seen him since he died? There are thousands of cults in the world. The Christ Family was one of them.

  3. I'm almost finished reading the book my former mother in law wrote. "In The Wind". I have found some fascination in her writing, although, I've found this reading very disturbed and misguiding of how our creator, Lord Saviour Jesus Christ and his holy spirit are with us.
    I feel ashamed for my ex(father of our son), because he's extremely messed up from his "parents" being lead astray and abandoning him, and his sister. Sister is fine, I think, because she has been taught to abide by her husbands rules and answers. My ex is lost, confused, alone, seperated from his family and to all unfortunately, a drug addict of many kinds. I was raised by my widower dad, not to bow down to any character. Which is where my highest concern comes in, and maybe why I have issues in reading this book!!
    I've made it half way through chapter 23 of 28 chapters. May the ending get better, and give me more a sense to help the father of my only son. Sol has told me some stuff, now I'm getting a clearer understanding of why he's so fucked up. "Parents Just Don't Understand", or they'd go back from living in their big fancy homes, attached to their materials, shunning the child(now 39 yrs old) she carried in her womb & once again - abandoned, because of letting herself and daughter to be ruled by a man. So disgusting.
    PRAISE GOD, they come to their senses, in Jesus name Amen🌍

  4. yes. A bad situation. First thing first. One thing at a time. Getting rid of them thoughts. Replacing with positive thoughts. No one is able to do it with the stricken. Try not to enable. God bless. former follower of the KSM bunch

  5. The Christ Family was and is a cult.

  6. Lightning Amen was a con artist, sex addict, control freak, abuser of children and women, drug addict and a convicted violent felon. His followers were all deluded. A bunch of crazy mother phuckers.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes, met him. Lived with him...he was a good actor with some very?bad habits..Yes he did use and shoot up meth and he was a sex addict who had a vasectomy.He.liked to use meth or coke and have sex with Share, Miriam, Martha and other "sisters". The "sisters" were told by him not to tell anyone.Know sex. He was abusive to?many women and children. His followers were too gullible.

    3. Just curious, who is your source? and if you want to talk privately

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. The source is first hand personal experience serial dude. Lightning Amen was a human, nothing divine about the pervert.

    6. I met him. He was a dick.

    7. I don’t think my last reply posted. I was curious if anyone knew when LA had his vasectomy. My mother was a “sister” and she had 5 kids, 5 separate fathers and each child had their fathers last name or a name that stood for something regarding their father. I however got the last name Christ. I witnessed a lot of the drugs, sex, alcohol, abuse to both women and children. I knew Isaiah And Cher, Miriam, Sara and Abraham, the list goes on. The trauma that cult caused to my siblings and me is indescribable. At the time of her death we were all separated and dispersed to different Family members and friends. So sad but it was the best thing that could’ve happened to us, as she was still doing drugs and being drug down by one of the “brothers” still. Please let me know also if anyone has photos of LA in his youth or before beard years. Thanks!

    8. He had his vasectomy before he started his cult of personality, The Christ Family. I travelled at one time or another with all of the characters you have mentioned. Sara passed away, long ago, Abraham died a few years ago. Amen assaulted Share and she had to be hospitalized with a collapsed lung and broken bones. He was fornicating with all of the so called sisters you have mentioned and even with Abraham. Abe was giving him blow jobs.
      what was your Mom's name. I am sorry that you went thru what you did. I still have PTSD from being in that twisted "family"

  7. Wow.No man is God.

  8. My uncle joined this group a few years before he died. I'm looking to find any helpful information related to the christ family.. and his last year's with them .

    1. Who was your uncle? What was his name?

    2. Hi my brother though unknown you can go deep inside and ask your Heavenly Father to give you the strength to be born again to be humble to know we all were not taught the Real Way to show our love to Our Divine Creator Who put every beautiful magnificent family of sea, air, and land brother and sister, and by faithfully stay eating the Real Food Our Holy Father put here, you will begin to feel all your senses start heal and He'll open up your heart, eyes and cleanse your mind to then get you you truly want to say "praise you My Lord Creator of all to live happily, free and safe in you New Heaven and New Earth, and for giving us Your Good Shepherd and Teacher of Peace, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Amen.

    3. Serial dumpster are an asshole too. There is nothing Christ like about you. Crazy bastard.Go fuck yourself.

  9. I write to freely share the Real Honest to Goodness True testimony of walking in the full faith in our Divine Creator who truly does lead us not into temptation and delivers us from the evil that comes from that original sin of Adam and Eve choosing to listen to Satan say they could go and disobey to have define every manifestation on this only livable planet and then to figure every way to survive, instead of that Way our Most Merciful Divine Creator God created for all to be living totally free and in that perfect harmonious Paradise Garden that their Divine Heavenly Father really wanted for them and so now we see how even every so-called highly intelligent Christians coincide with those wealthy ones who claim to own properties to have their neighbors go down into those dangerous colored rock mines to bring up what we all are programmed to hopefully would be capable of being around to earn that engraved stamped paper bills and metal coins that came out of our Divine Creators magnificent livable planet that those preachers could not tell you that our Holy Father does Heal when you pray to no more buy or eat those beautiful magnificent sea, air and land families to stay devoted and obedient to be truly Blessed Peace makers as our Good Shepherd and one and Only True Teacher of how we are to "Love our Divine Creator God withal our heart and withal our mind and with all our soul and then we are giving our Holy Father our praise and for His Glorious enlightenment and His Greatest Gift of His Holy Spirit to freely share His Good News and walk through this valley of the old dying earth to receive His New Earth and New Heaven again we praise our Heavenly Father for His Beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior for those who really believe I say Amen

  10. Heaven High brothers & sisters you can read more of Truly Our Holy Fathers Healing on my you tube public comments, 1st is "How is it we are here," "Candle of Life," "Land of make believe," "Moody Blues: Departure-Ride my see-saw," "Moody Blues-You and Me, Prayer for Truth to be revealed to come out." " I am The God that Health thee," "God as Father of His Creatures,"Obedience Brings Gods Blessings," and 2 by Joyce Meyer "What is True Love Sermon 2017," "Forgive me God Change me," and Stanger in a strange land by Leon Russell.

  11. You brothers and sisters who would like to hear and read more of my years walking full faith yes in a white robe and barefoot with truly blessed spiritually growing followers of our True Good Shepherd and Only Teacher of how to Love our neighbor as our self and The Divine Creator God to share freely His Good News which is The Way, His Truth and The Life. Just feel free to E-mail me at

  12. Heaven High again I wanted to say that I would like to try and hear from any of my brothers or sisters, since the last ones I was with in a prison in Mexico city, the one brothers first name was "Marrony" and I would like to just hear from any of the Christ Family to share some more of the Greatest of to me the Most True Blessing in my life, again my e-mail is just above this comment Peace and Godspeed Amen

  13. What the heck where you doing in prison in Mexico City? Don't get me wrong, I have the highest respect for you walking that mission. Christ Brother here, over and in. :) lol

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. L.A. was banging " sisters" and tweaking long before the robes came off. He would leave everyone in the winter camp on the Colorado River near Blythe, except for 3 "sisters" who seemed to worship him...they would leave in a Chevy LUV truck and go to Blythe, check into a hotel and party hard, with Coke,( not the beverage) and he would take turns banging all of them sistas. He called it making mashed potatoes and communion with God. They had all the money, those left behind in camp had none. He made us live on rice and potatoes and whatever produce we could glean from local farmers.,meanwhile he frequently went to town with his ho's and partied. The sistas were told not to tell anyone...except at least one of them could not keep her mouth shut. He also beat the crap,yes physically assaulted Sista Share, Martha and others.That was not love or at all Christ like in my opinion. I was a witness, I was there and one of those who really lived the keys to heaven at the time. It was a ride and shocking awakening when I first found out this was going on years before the robes came off. I tell the truth and the one true God and higher intelligence is my witness. I left the CF when I found out Lightning ⚡ A. Was a liar and hypocrite and like Job I did not look back. I'm still recovering from that nonsense 40+ years later. Follow no man!

    3. Christ brother? Nothing about you is like Christ. You're delusional.

  14. General overview. 40 years of hindsight later, I am thankful for the Christ Family walking across the country barefoot in white robes and teaching me the Life of Christ. Every man has a 'life of prayer'. It is the most intimate of any experiences. I appreciate all those who tried and succeeded and even those who tried and failed.. Blessing to you all. I'm happy serving the poor, and homeless and downtrodden. I feel blessed everyday. Jesus picked his running buddies from the street for their humility. Or should I say they picked themselves. Peace to you all, follow us. A Christ Brother.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Bro, You sound like a tape recorder on continues repeat. Be real, you're not a parrot. Say something really original for a change.

    3. You are living an illusion and are nothing like the apostles that followed Jesus.

  15. Be here now good people. The past is a memory. Charles McHugh Lightning Amen is dead. In the end he suffered before he died and he deserved to suffer in my opinion. Even he said he had deceived everyone who followed him. He was a fraud. Learn from this.

  16. Really smart people are rare. Stupidity is rampant. Most of the followers of the human who called himself Lightning Amen were seriously mentally ill from the get go. They all had mental health issues and anyone still alive that was in the CF still have mental health issues.

  17. the " brothers and sisters" who followed L.A. and Lightning Amen himself were some of the most screwed up people I have ever met. Anyone not in the C. Family were referred to as Earthlings. The members of the Christ family believed they were saints and heavenly angels. They were delusional for sure and some of the most hypocritical, judgemental and screwed up in the head people I have ever met. Lightning Amen was a mortal human not a God. Wake up.

  18. IDK dude. First of all, I'm a Christ Brother. I put the robe on in
    1977. Since then I remained pretty much vegan. I sure as hell don't
    eat flesh or wear leather. Secondly, Before I met the Christ Family I
    had already stopped eating flesh. I had given up casual sex, because
    at the age I was too naive to even know there was such a thing, but as
    soon as i found out I was participating in it, I put a stop to it. I
    had quit drinking and already had sobriety before I met the Christ
    Family. I had volunteered for a year, helping a friend of my sister
    from college get a private non profit outdoor education school off the
    ground for inner city students in the SF Bay Area. All this before I
    met the Christ Family. So to walk into the Life of Christ, I had to
    give up yogurt, kefir and leather. Everything else I was already
    doing. As far as no killing examining the story Jesus is recorded as
    not allowing His Disciples to defend Him with their swords when he was
    being arrested in the garden, before his torture, trial and execution.
    As far as no sex, my Catholicism taught me Jesus was born of a virgin
    and never had sex in His Life. As far as no materialism, I had already
    worked for free for a year. So frankly to say I joined a cult is not a
    true statement. I just decided to go 'all in'. I wouldn't trade my
    life for anything. I told people on my 63rd and 64th birthday the same
    thing. "Don't buy my anything. My integrity is intact and my self
    esteem is past the stars." What's wrong with not killing anything? The
    difference is not so great as you make it out to be. The difference is
    churches of the world, false evangelicals, catholics schools and so
    on, teach when your life is over you will go to Heaven or Hell
    depending on your good or bad deeds. The Christ Family teaches death
    is not necessary, you can go to Heaven on Earth here and now if you
    practice this theology, in its perfected form. So I do.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Romans 14:2 - For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.

    3. You sound like a broken record serial dude. Peat and repeat. Lightning Amen is dead . It was necessary. he did not resurrect. He was no God, just another sinner who hid his real self behind a facade of being divine.

    4. Bla,bla,bla. You are so full of yourself.

    5. Calling yourself a Christ brother. You were a member of a cult. You are nothing like Christ.


    6. Serial dumpster killer, you sound like a God damned serial malignant narcissist. You think you're smart but you are not too smart. No help for a narcissist.
      Symptoms include:

      Love of self/great self-interest
      Preoccupation with success and power
      Attention seeking
      Boasting or bragging about one’s own achievements often
      Exaggeration of abilities and achievements
      Having unrealistic goals
      Fantasies of success beyond what is likely or possible

    7. What a joke of a deranged narcissistic person you are.

    8. Salvation is not a diet

  19. CHARLIE McHugh aka LA was not Jesus Christ nor was he Saintly, holy or perfect. He was a deceitful fake. You are unreal if you believe in the actor who called himself Lightning Bolt Amen.Wake up please. Lol.


  20. Here today I truly feel to share to all the public who really are ones with the eyes that only a Most Truest Caring and Loving Creator Supreme Being could have given to all of us Than to hear what these wise verses are saying about how our lives are here today and like the candle going to the next place afterlife, I then really wish to say how we were brought into this life, totally unaware that those so-called geniuses and intelligent scholars of teachings, even of Jesus and God, not reveling that True Truth and Way about the Loving Way of Peacemakers that Jesus Christ came on earth to teach. When all those who ask and take the stamped paper currency and the manmade coins piles of earth metals to preach and think to try and teach you and me of anything of the Truth of Our Only Merciful Forgiving and Caring Creator God, Well I just need to forgive all of them too, but we can start now to be humble and take into our hearts to receive Our Loving Fathers Son, The Good Shepherd and Prince of Peace When Jesus said He is The Way, and that would be as a child, you remember like in the Bible story, when Jesus was with that group of children, and Jesus was clearly able to communicate with them, then to point that out to the older ones, and so this is why today we too must learn to let that ego pride of being stubborn to be humble as a child, and then to receive the clear and real understanding from the loving kind Teacher Jesus who taught the Truth about God His Fathers Way, which is not that of mans worldly system, but to walk in full faith, just as Jesus said to disciples, to carry no script nor purse worthy of a thief. The other miswritten true lesson that those who recopied the many different bibles, was to say that Jesus Christ was The Good Shepherd, and to say how we must be loving and obedient to understanding that His Merciful Loving Father created all beautiful perfect living families of creatures to be living, happy and in a peaceful harmonious way with all mankind .so stay eating the fruits, vegetables, grains and nut of all Our Most Merciful, and Loving Father I say to you now, If you just truly ask The Father in prayer to give you the strength to stay strong in the faith to continue eating the true healing diet which is being a vegan, I can assure you will witness very quickly, our Holy Fathers Blessed Miracles that will clearly open up your eyes, hearts, and minds to become a humble Blessed Peacemaking brother or sister and His Real Forgiveness from that what we were born into, which was the sin of Adam and Eve when the devil Satan persuaded them to partake and eat of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, which led Adam to choose do all things of what the human mind would have to imagine and manifest making all the rest of the generations of humankind lives to be unrightously and unjustly more complicating and manipulating, and so we all born with that origional sin of Adam and with that savage carnal program to have to coincide with their worldly corrupt system, so we really need to go deeper in our hearts to praying to check out everything that we could go on google to ask on some vitally important questions we can find on-line, well you know, for instance the data & stats of how many newborn deformities and diseases, and how many children end up in foster homes or orphanages , yea those vital lessons that just didn't want to mention or just avoided to teach every brother and sister, and so it's time to sincerely go to praying fot the True Wisdom of what Blessing our Merciful and Forgiving Holy Father has for all those who have come to taken to doing an honest to our Divine Creator Gods Commandments. So we must also believe we have the Greatest of our Holy Fathers Gift of the Holy Spirit to go forth and freely get out to share all that what Christ Jesus had taught us, and by doing this we are giving all our praise to our Most Loving, Forgiving and Healing God our Heavenly Father Amen.

    1. Bro, what are you smoking? I pray you quit.

    2. Nothing but Bible babble.
      Fuck the bible, it is full of myths. Jesus Christ did not write any of the scriptures and never carried a bible.

    3. sounds like you are on the crazy train

    4. You sound cray cray

  21. What I really feel to truly share with all my brothers and sisters is what was shown to me in those years I was truly asking in prayers to our Holy Father and Divine Creator to show me some miracle, knowing that it is only our Holy Father God who can heal and forgive us, so then I truly wanted to serve and grow spiritually in a more real way and learn how to receive His Holy Spirit to be a faithful follower and then our Lord God sent this brother in a white robe and he was walking barefoot and carrying his bedroll and he shared so clearly and sincerely the most truly credible honest to goodness Truth about our Divine Creator God our Father. Now what I hope to share to all of my brothers and sisters about what it was I did first, and that was I "prayed to our Heavenly Father" and in this life of hardships and intolerable suffering and unrighteousness throughout the world and when we have all these highly intelligent teachers and scholarly Christian preachers that, chose to fall for that deceiving lie of Satan who tricked Adam and Eve to go for that forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge where than Adam and Eve were cast out of the Perfect Garden of Paradise and so now they had to figure out what everything was and what it was they now had to do to be living not in fear or in this complicated state. Now today you'd think somehow we would have heard that the way of those ones who claim they own properties here on our Divine Creator Gods once-perfect peaceful harmonious planet, having their paid employee miners going down into those dangerous mines to bring up those colored rocks to make this horrific intolerable way for all brothers and sisters to possibly be capable of having to get a job. Then we have those swindling justice of the peace and religious church ministers also hurry-up to ask for that corrupt never-ending rising price to marry your sons and daughters and not thinking to inform or letting them all know of the thousands of those newborn deformities and diseases both physical and mental, some even fatal, and then how many millions of the foster children, orphans and the children here and so much more in those 3rd world countries, that being brought into to this so sinful and horrible disastrous suffering state of life, and so, for all these vitally important issues that just seem to not get taught or brought up to everyone's attention by those well paid religious and world educators. So I simply care to again say, if you go to typing in more of Spiritual Wisdom and some questions that we all should be asking to our Holy Father in prayer for the enduring faith to be obedient to loving our Divine Creator God with all my heart and because our Most Merciful Creator God created every magnificent beautiful family of the sea and land creatures, and so we eat what our Holy Fathers Beloved Sacred Heart and Good Shepherd Jesus Christ would have eaten, every natural fruit, vegetable, grain, and nut and this is the Way to be a Blessed Peacemaker, you know when Jesus was speaking to all those at the Sermon on the Mount. And so first take to a sincere heartfelt prayer to be a devote humble one to eating that healing real food that our Divine Creator put here in an abundance for every sea and land creatures including all of us gentle brothers and sisters to pray daily to no more supporting the evil slaughtering and caged up bondage of those magnificent families, and so we're not to eat their eggs, milk, or honey. and you will begin to see how quickly our Holy Father will heal and begin to open up your hearts for you to really want to give all the Praise for all His Glorious Blessings and Miracles, and all the Greatest of His Gifts, like new revelations and the fruits of the Spirit and His Holy Spirit, where you can walk in full faith to share His Good News, which is The Way, The Truth and The Life, again we give all praise to our Most Merciful and Healing Holy Father and for His Son Jesus Christ Amen.

    1. You sound seriously mentally ill Robert. Please.Get help.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Dude, whatever you're smoking,I pray you quit.

    4. Go tell that to the Eskimos.

  22. L.A. used to leave the former family ranch in Hemet, he'd take off his robe and put on normal clothes (funny clothes lol) then he'd drive to San Diego and go hang put at a bar and drink
    He said he preferred bar people to hanging with his so called family. He'd put a white robe on before returning to Hemet. Presumably he'd return to Hemet for $$$ as he was a narcissistic megalomanic.

  23. Just another cult started by a human named Charles Franklin McHugh who did so much LSD in the 1970s he thought he was God and changed his name to Lightning Amen. He was another false prophet and egomaniac. Anyone who followed this dude were deluded, he abused all of them with his b.s. Some of his followers to this day still believe he was God and Jesus incarnate. Bunch of deluded crazy people.

  24. What is sick is that when Lightning beat up women followers and sexually abused them, when he was busted with weapons and meth, his deluded groupies would say it was ok becuase they thought he was "God" and "God" can do what he wants including being a dishonest hypocrite. He abused many women followers and abused many children. Their mothers were forced to give yup their children to be in his twisted cult.It was all a sham people.

  25. Lightning Amen did not resurrect from the dead after he died, unlike Jesus Christ did more than 2000 years ago. nope he died and went straight to hell.

  26. white robe barefeet wore sheetsOctober 28, 2020 at 6:14 AM

    He was an egomaniac and an asshole and sex addict who raped and assaulted the women who blindly and foolishly loved him. Not God and not real love.

  27. you're the one who keeps bringing up lightning amen this and lightning amen that. not me, you. i just live the life and was doing it before i ever met amen. now like a lot of christ brothers, no robes so we don't get hassled by cops, asshole flesh eaters, false evangelist, violent offenders and other losers in general. like i said before, i've parented homeless children, reunited families, and have been a good advocate for a few infamous cases, one who was cold case hit after he died and identified as a serial killer.. one serial rapist. a couple three sex offenders against children. Founded a school. So how the F you keep saying I'm in or was in a cult????? Nothing about my life says "cult". You on he other hand keep saying lightning amen this and that??? I'm proud of my life. sobriety for 44 years. I'm happy as F. late. That gmail is for the time i had five homeless people living in my house. three were children and one was a 14 yo mom.. i was on disability, but still made sure there were diapers bubble bath toilet paper in the house. And i was his nanny. Cult??? nope. before that I changed my dads diapers for five years? Cult? nope. In between all that, i put first time homebuyers on title in a neighborhood called "the kill zone". law enforcement term. Cult?? nope . Worked a homicide street side in Northern Ca. Cult?? nope. I was a victim's advocate for two sexually abused children who were now young teenage boys. Cult?? not hardly.. So frankly, I am kind of getting tired of people like you, who have never met me or talked to me telling me I was in a cult. Actually I was in the wind.. not hanging around camp or drama and to this day, i sure as hell am not doing someone else laundry. . this last week or ten days i have actually been working a domestic violence case with a major attitude problem that is about to get a lot worse.. Grocery shopping, listening, fixing holes in gas lines were the bullet went through, listening. I am hearing words like pistol whipped, shot at, teeth knocked out, stuff like that. Cult? I don't think so.. i'm just in the mix and not stepping back.. cult? hardly.

    1. The problem is this, you are mentally ill and delusional!

      Delusions of grandeur come in many forms. Many people experience delusions of a similar theme over time.

      Delusions of grandeur can manifest in virtually limitless ways. Some of the most common types include:

      an inflated belief in one’s own importance, such as having the power to end war
      a belief that one is famous or occupies a high position in society
      a belief that one is a religious leader
      a belief in one’s ability to live forever
      a false belief that one cannot be harmed by disease or injury
      an inflated sense of intelligence
      a belief that one possesses magical skills, such as the ability to read minds
      Cultural factors can affect the content of a person’s delusions. This is because culture affects a person’s knowledge and what they believe about the world. Something that is considered a delusion in one culture might not be in another

    2. You are in a cray cray cult because you are cray cray too

    3. You are a serial liar, a loser, poser and a religious narcissist. You are not who you think you are. You are in fact a mentally ill fake.

    4. You are stupid fucked up sinner. You are no saint and You are not Christ. You are an asshole and a loser who is deluded. Look in the mirror and face you self chump

    5. It's a cult and you are clearly nuts and an idiot.

  28. so the next time you bring up the word cult, why don't you talk about your life, not mine, ok?

    1. Matthew Chapter 6

      1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.

      2 Therefore when thou doest [thine] alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

      3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:

      4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.

    2. You most certainly were in a cult and you still exhibit cult mentality. Take a good look at yourself.

    3. Yes. You are in a cult.

    4. I was a CB in the CF in the 80's, it was and is a cult following a false messiah, do your homework

    5. You live a lie. You are not a good person. You are a piece of shit.

    6. It is obvious you have mental health issues. You can't hide it.
      You are no holy man.

  29. Well at least you are not saying i was in a cult. That's one step better.

    1. Yes, you were in a cult, deal with it.

    2. You are in a cult. Your phony messiah was a liar and an asshole and is dead and you are a walking dead man, who does not know the truth. Awake,awake,awake.Repent.

    3. I am saying you are in a God damned cult you crazy MF. Get your head out of your ass.

  30. You sound totally self absorbed serial dumspter scuba diver. This is about Lightning Amen,it is not about you. Look at all the times you talk about I this and I that. I and I. Who cares?

  31. This forum was never about you Serial Dumpster diver who is paranoid and takes things personally.Whoever you are you are not Lightning Amen aka Charles McHugh. You sound like a nut case to be honest.

  32. This site is about The Christ Family cult and Lightning Amen aka Charles Franklin McHugh, it is not about a seriously mentally ill serial dumpster diver.
    Lightning Amen beat up Sister Share beyond recognition with a very large metal flashlight full of D size batteries.He beat her all over her body with the flashlight, for buying him cookies that had whey in them. He broke her ribs and she ended up in the hospital , Does that sound Christ like to you? He was also charged with child molestation in Hemet. It was a classic peronality driven cult and L.A. was a user nit just of bad street drugs but he used the people who beleived in him. False prophet he was. Good that he is now dead.

    1. The Christ Family was and is by definition a cult. Lightning Amen was a cult leader. He is dead. RIP Amen

    2. it was a cult. Look up the meaning of the word cult in the dictionary. The Christ Family is a cult of delusional people.

  33. Anyone who thinks that Lightning Amen was God or Jesus Christ reincarnated is delusional.

  34. The Christ Family was clearly a cult, just as most religions are cults. Why does the truth offend some people?
    The Christ Family had a new leader who called himself Lightning Amen, he used a lot of LSD,marijuana,tobacco,alcohol,coke and meth.He had a lot of sex with a lot of sisters and at least one brother,and he abused little children. He used no protection. He had a vasectomy. He is now gone,( good riddance) yet there is still a group of cult members who think he was God Almighty in the flesh. Group psychosis in my opinion.

  35. What a bunch of nutcases, following an egomaniac and a liar.

  36. Dude, I am just sick and tired of people I have never met telling me I am in a cult. Fuck that. I flip crack houses, I parent homeless children, and when I met the christ family I went down the road barefoot in a white robe. The only thing I regret is the abuse my children have had to suffer because of ignorant people like you. Believe me, this whole sex scandal in the Catholic Church is just the tip of the iceberg.. There is a much greater scandal than that, it is the scandal of them closing the doors on the living saints who came to teach them the path of resurrection. That's what the theology is about. Leading others from the path of cults. Not being in one. "Following and egomaniac and a liar". Quote, "You go 10,000 miles in one direction, and I will go 10,000 miles in the other." Now if there is something in that that scares the F out of you, well good luck then, because that's the Life of Christ. And just like every tree grows towards the sky, every person on the face of God's Earth, seeks the answer to that question. Is this offensive to you? Jesus taught, "The greater man confronts his enemies without weapons." This practice is the same across the gender lines. Everyone didn't eat animals or wear leather. Male or female. So sorry you are caught up in what is considered a failed example, but me personally, I have always made my own free will decisions and I hate no one. So thank you very much, I will still not participate in products of death or bondage..

    1. Matthew Chapter 6

      1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.

      2 Therefore when thou doest [thine] alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

      3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:

      4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
      Matthew 7:15
      “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”
      1 Timothy Chapter 4

      3 Forbidding to marry, [and commanding] to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

      4 For every creature of God [is] good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:

      5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
      Before you preach, It is better to know the scripture before you go spouting off to others of your good deeds! You teach like a false prophet and are known by your deeds and actions. I warn you to beware of what you are teaching others! The day of judgement is coming don't be one who will be cast into the Lake of Fire! Repent and be wash in His blood, the true messiah!

    2. You are full of shit

    3. You need to have your head examined

    4. You were in a fucking cult.

    5. You joined a cult serial delusional crazy dumpster diver chump. Hahahaha

    6. There is nothing Christ like about you. You are a sinner and a spiritual narcissist. Just another fucked up asshole and maniac. You live in some fantasy world, not the real world. Repent.

  37. 2 Thessalonians 2:11
    “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”

  38. Did you know in camp in Hemet the Charles used the pages of the Bible to roll joints? Hmmm man of God? I think not! I knew him! False messiah he was! He knew nothing of truth!

    1. That is bullshit. Straight up lie. I was in Hemet. There were no bibles. No joints rolled from bible pages. ( the pages do work as toilet paper if you run oout) He never rolled any joints. Sisters did that for him. They rolled joints with Bugler cigarette rolling papers. That is the truth. I was there. I know. I am woke. Not ignorant.

    2. Yes he did when i was in camp one of the brothers had a new world translations miniature bible! He took it ripped out a page and rolled a joint with it! I know what i saw. Dont judge what you know nothing about!

    3. Oh btw Bible pages don't make good toilet paper and yes you can roll joins from the pages! They are made of rice paper same as JB rolling papers! I smoked weed over 40 years i know what i used! Im ex satanist reformed! We used the Bible to roll joints just to piss of God! I repented of my sins and was washed clean by His blood! I do not lie! I was in the christ family for over 5yrs, probably long before you were! Did you know Sebring John Rathy James, Noah, Right on Ray, Gary, Steven? I did they were deceived by Charles. These people don't need your condemnation, they need our support. You act like a 5yr old! I admit when i first started commenting here i was doing the same thing but i've learned a thing or two by the power of prayer on how better to deal with people other than ranting like a moron!

    4. You are ignorant

  39. Some people boast about all the good works they have done, none of that matters.The Christ Family and it's leader were and are a cult. Saints? Hahahaha. None of the so called "brothers and sisters" are even close to being saintly. Pompous ,delusional, mentslly ill, yes. Saintly, no.

  40. Cereal dumpster diver is a nasty ,dirty ,foul mouthed, ignoramus. Good works do not get you a ticket to heaven. If you were ever in the Christ Family you were in a cult. Plain and simple. You are a seriously fucked up person dumpster dude. Take a hike crazy guy.

    1. You need to grow up my friend!

    2. "And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh."
      Revelation 19:20-21, KJV

  41. I see stupid people

  42. Replies
    1. I don't think you realize that you are the one being stupid! All you have done here is prove your stupidity to everyone here! Your not helping anyone, your just spewing hate! Yes they were in a cult i agree but truly isn't showing love for others a better way to convince them and showing scripture than to spew out words of hate and condemnation! My advice to you would be to go to your knees and ask the Father's forgiveness and show more love, than condemnation! You my brother need to repent as well as they do!

    2. You don't realize that you are stupid.



    1. It is all horse crap. There is no God. God is a fairy tale. When you die, you become maggot food.

  44. Lightning Amen turned out to be a chump, a liar, an abuser of women and children and the good news is he is now dead.

  45. There is no father god. God is not real.

  46. Take your bogus religiousity and shove it

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Repent & Sin no More! Will you fall again i’m sure you will but do your best not to! If you do, remember, He has a hand outstretched to get you back on your feet! Be Reborn in the Image of Yahusha! The old man must die and you must take on the new man! Love one another as He has loved you! No killing! Love your enemies as you would your own flesh! Turn your backs on the government they are in league with satan as are most religions and religious leaders! They teach a gospel that allows you to sin under His grace when He commanded you to sin no more! Not to sin and his grace would cover it! Always test the Spirit and call upon the Holy Spirit to guide you and teach you! Trust No Man Ever! Not even me! Back away from the desires of the flesh! If your loins burn with desire then get married but you can’t live in sin and be saved! Those involved in Homosexualty turn away from it or you won’t be spared His wrath! You practicing the occult! Turn away or you also will see the lake of fire!:Be baptized in the name of Father, Son,& Holy Spirit! You must be fully submerged under water! The Holy Spirit, if you have done all this in your hearts and souls will baptize you with fire! Then go forth and teach all you have heard to every living creature and be warned if you are lazy and refuse to do as He has commanded you! You will never see the Kingdom of Heaven! He says: Woe Unto those who preach not this gospel.

    1. Woe unto you you sorry faux Christian. You are a sanctimonious clown.

    2. There is a word for bible babblers like you. It is..sanctimonious
      making a show of being morally superior to other people.
      "what happened to all the sanctimonious talk about putting his family first?"
      self-righteous · holier-than-thou · churchy · pious · pietistic · moralizing · unctuous · smug · superior · priggish · mealy-mouthed · hypocritical · insincere · for form's sake · to keep up appearances · goody-goody · pi · religiose · Pharisaic · Pharisaical · Tartuffian

    3. You have something correct Toby. " trust no man ever, not even me"
      Follow no man or woman. Trust God within.

  49. There is no heaven or hell. There is no heavenly father or mother. No hereafter. There is only here. When you die, you are dead. You become compost. You are nobody.

  50. Just another bunch of misguided religious fanatics.

  51. I'm not in a cult and I have never been in one. I am a christ brother..

    1. Well then sir you are lying to yourself and everyone else. Call it what ya want numbskull. The Christ Family led by the pervert Charles Franklin McHugh aka Lightning Amen was a cult. Does not matter if you beleive it or not. It was/is a cult and that is a fact. Deny it all you want, it was and is a cult.

    2. What is your definition of a Christ brother? Where is your salvation? What makes you special and holier than others? What is your mission? Who is your messiah?

    3. You joined a cult!
      1 Corinthians 13
      If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
      If I have the gift of prophecy & can fathom all mysteries & all knowledge, & if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
      If I give all I possess to the poor & give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

      ..the greatest of these is love. Yes it’s easier to judge. Yes, it’s easier to place the blame on someone else. Yes it’s easier to ignore someone than to help someone. The real challenge is to love someone. The real strength is being patient. Healing from hurt comes in after love. See, you can perform all of the righteous acts, but the Bible says if you lack love, then all of it is done in vain. If you lack love, then you are doing these acts from a selfish place rather than a selfless place. You can add on your merits, tally up your accomplishments, & round up all of your followers.. but if you lack love, then your grand total is.. nothing.

      1 Corinthians 13
      Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

  52. Whatever that means. A crazy delusional Christian nut case? Haha.You are probably nothing like Christ. Mad life.

  53. cult
    a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
    "the cult of St. Olaf"
    a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.
    "a network of Satan-worshiping cults"
    sect · religious group · denomination · religious order · church · faith · faith community · belief · persuasion · affiliation · movement · group · body · faction · clique
    a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.
    "a cult of personality surrounding the leaders"
    obsession with · fixation on · mania for · passion for · idolization of · admiration for · devotion to · worship of · veneration of · reverence for
    a person or thing that is popular or fashionable, especially among a particular section of society.
    "a cult film"
    craze · fashion · fad · vogue · thing

    Semantics; The Christ Family led by Charles McHugh Lightning Amen was a CULT by definition. No one who is or was in a cult wants to accept the fact that they were or are in a cult. It is called denial.
    The truth is a cult is a cult is a cult no matter what you choose to believe. Some people still believe in the Easter Bunny.

  54. There is no God. God is a fairy tale. No such thing as eternal life. You are born, you live and then you die.

  55. Psalms 14:1
    “(To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.) The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.”

  56. Matthew 7:6
    “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.”

    Enough said!

    1. Jesus Christ never said those words. It's stupid bible babble.

  57. Get thee behind Satan, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Burn your stupid bible.

  58. None includes you, dummy

  59. Just one of many cults that believe in a self appointed bogus messiah.

  60. It's amazing! Men can talk without a brain!

    1. It is amazing that people believe in fairy tales and false messiahs

  61. Speak for your self

  62. Lightning Amen was no messiah, he was a violent felon, a racist, a wife beater, a pedophile, a drug addict, alcohol and substance abuser and a deceiver of his followers.

  63. Crazy cult with crazy followers

  64. I went to California in 1994-95 to rescue a childhood friend who had joined the so-called Christ Family and who worshipped this person referred to as Lightning Amen. My friend, Frankie, and others like him, worked menial jobs like trimming palm tree fronds and used the money to pay for his bare necessities. He gave all the rest to the cult. He was persuaded to join because he loved the idea of veganism and I respected his belief in this. What I did not accept was that Lightning Amen (I still laugh when I say those words as if they are real, as if he was real) and his minions sold and used crank (Crystal Meth) and paid for their vices with the hard-earned wages of others, like Frankie.

    When I arrived, Frankie introduced me to the men who surrounded Lightning Amen. By that point, I had known many addicts and junkies in my life and I immediately recognized in those followers many of these traits. When they learned my name was Joe, they immediately proclaimed that they now had a Joseph to complement their group of devout followers. They instantly tried to persuade me to join and started asking me what my skills were. How could I earn money to contribute to "The Family"? I calmly told them I already purchased a round-trip ticket (a lie) and that I would not be staying. One of them (probably used an alias like Paul or Peter or Thomas) told me quite confidently that nothing was in my control and that if Lightning Amen determined that I should stay, I would be filled with the spirit and I would cast aside all of my belongings, even my airline ticket.

    After a couple of days, Frankie and I woke up at the crack of dawn because, as he explained to me, this was the day Lightning Amen and "the disciples" liked to play tennis. We met at some municipal tennis courts and this is when I first laid eyes on Lightning Amen. He wore a robe and a ball cap which I think had a custom, embroidered Lightning Bolt on it. He wore his own merchandise. There were extra rackets and balls and since Frankie and I had played tennis as kids in Brooklyn, NY we were able to put on a fairly competent game while we waited our turn to play the others. This was late summer in Southern California so the heat was rising quickly and by 10 AM it was almost too hot to play. I was introduced to the man, Lightning Amen by one of his closer associates; Frankie was probably too much of a subordinate to make the introduction. Immediately, my name became the focus and Lightning also pointed out that his retinue was lacking a Joseph and that it was fate that brought us together. I cautiously corrected him and replied that it was SouthWest Airlines that brought us together. In 1994-95, I flew from Reno, NV to Ontario, CA for $27.

  65. I played Lightning Amen a best of 5 set of tennis and I beat him 3-1. The day of tennis ended when I declared game, set and match. The looks I got from the disciples were menacing as it began to sink in that these junkies and addicts were also zealots and they did not like to see anyone beat the object of their zealotry in anything, even tennis. I'm not even a particularly skilled tennis player. It's not that hard to beat an old dude in a robe. After tennis, the group mostly went their separate ways but Frankie and I clung to a smaller group who took us to a place where small gardens were being grown and a nearby school bus was being converted into an eventual camper/home on wheels. Someone in this minor clique, I can't remember who, struck me as being marginally more independent and not as enthralled with the cult, and we chatted lightly about things other than how the sun rose and set on Lightning Amen. He had plans.

    He was going to fix up that bus and take his woman and hit the road. He could drive me back to Reno as he was probably headed towards Utah and could drop me off along the way. I told him I had my return trip ticket (still a lie) and for whatever reason, he pushed the idea that his offer of a ride was valid if I happened to miss my flight. It occurs to me that he was probably used to seeing people getting caught up in the Christ Family and putting their other plans aside. Though I was slightly more comfortable in this man's presence than any of the others, I told myself that I would be getting on a plane and returning soon to Reno, to my job and my occasional community college courses.

    My money ran out quickly and Frankie took me to his employment agency where I was quickly given a job at a local factory that bottled and shipped "Fabuloso" cleaning products. I worked the shrink wrap station which meant that boxes of 4 bottles passed me on a conveyor belt and I slipped them into a clear plastic sleeve and pushed them into an oven for the plastic to shrink and make them ready for loading onto a pallet for shipment. Within a week, I made enough money to buy groceries for Frankie and to buy a return trip ticket to Reno. Frankie told me that the day before I was to leave there was going to be a birthday celebration for Lightning Amen at his home. I was a passenger in Frankie's car so I was not sure where this was but it occurs to me today that it was probably in Hemet. Frankie was staying nearby in San Jacinto.

  66. When the day of the party arrived, Frankie and I made vegan burritos and packed them as our contribution to the party. We drove together to the party and I was impressed with the property. The landscaping was thoughtful and the property was ready for a big party. There was plenty of outdoor seating and the chairs and furniture were all arranged to focus on the guest of honor: Lightning Amen. There was a nearby table with wrapped gifts and food prepared by the guests. As Frankie and I approached to put our tray of burritos on the table, I also noticed that there was a terrific assortment of liquor and one could clearly smell pot smoke the closer you got to the leader. Those seated closest to Lightning Amen were the most devout followers - the disciples. These were the men who told me that Lightning Amen would determine if Joseph was going to join the retinue and scowled at me when I bested him in tennis.

    I wiggled my way to the front of the receiving line and extended a hand to Lightning Amen to wish him a happy birthday. I already had a couple of tokes on a joint and a few shots of Chivas, and my inhibitions were quickly slipping away. I told him I was confused because I thought if he was the reincarnation of Jesus, why was his birthday in August? He stopped the handshake and told me with a clear note of pity in his voice that everyday was his birthday and today was just the day he chose to celebrate it.

    Soon after our arrival, the opening of the presents began. Lightning Amen unwrapped a candle, a hand-made satchel, sandals. My head was spinning. Eventually he unwrapped a pager. Remember pagers? Someone gave Lightning Amen a pager as a birthday gift and I could not contain myself. I asked no one in particular, but rather audibly, "why would Jesus reincarnated need a pager? If someone needed to get a message to him, certainly prayer would be the proper medium." The crowd turned their heads to see what heretic dared say such a thing. Someone whispered to me that I better watch my mouth or I would be ejected from the party. Surely another shot of Chivas would help me keep my tongue. After a few more lesser gifts were unwrapped, a proud disciple who had played tennis with us came to Lightning Amen with his gift to the messiah.

    When it was unwrapped, the crowd was moved by the thoughtfulness of the gift. It was a tennis racket and Lightning Amen held it on high to show his crowd of adorers what he had received. That was when I saw it. It was no ordinary tennis racket. It was a Prince racket and anyone who has played tennis knew what was different about a Prince. It was an oversized racket meant to make it easier for the player to hit the ball with the "sweet spot" and return their shots with greater force and control. Once this sunk in, along with the latest installment of Chivas Regal, I could no longer contain myself. I let out an uninhibited "Wooooooooo. What a gift. First a pager so the messiah can get his prayers wirelessly. Now an oversized tennis racket. Riddle me this: what does the messiah need with an oversized tennis racket? Why can't he just 'miracle' the ball over the net?"

  67. I was escorted down the driveway and off the property, probably by the disciples who gave Lightning Amen the pager and the racket. I turned to see if my friend Frankie would be joining me, but he was nowhere to be seen. It was dusk and I could only remember the general direction from which we drove, so I took off on foot towards San Jacinto. I walked in total darkness and when I finally began to recognize the streets in San Jac, I started to believe that I would be leaving for Reno. When I got to Frankie's apartment, there was a note on the door that instructed me to take my things and get a cab to the airport. I remember thinking this did not look like Frankie's handwriting but since I needed to get to Ontario airport and buy a ticket to Reno, I would need to pack and make my exit. Car service to the airport an hour away was more expensive than the flight to Reno, NV.

    I neither saw nor heard from Frankie after that and I am not even sure if he's alive. I have learned that in the years since my trip to "rescue" him, both his mother and his brother had passed away and in neither instance did he come for the funerals. I've read most of the posts on this site and it is clear that some people believe Lightning Amen was a genuine prophet, maybe even Christ reincarnated. Many others saw him as nothing more than a man and a fraud, a manipulator and an abuser. In the years since my trip, I became an MD, a psychiatrist. My memories of Lightning Amen and his "disciples" have made it clear to me, in the most clinical of terms, that he was a narcissist who fed his tendencies with drugs, sex and followers. Every cult has a narcissist at its helm and Christ Family was definitely a cult. Lightning Amen was its narcissist commander. Many accounts read here and elsewhere point to a man who may have altered his own perceptions through drug abuse and I can say that his manners of speech and engagement made him an attractive leader to those whose own identities were sorely lacking and vulnerable. Frankie was mistreated by his family and as the younger son in a Sicilian family, he was virtually left out of his father's will. He was damaged by his childhood and adolescence in this family and he was ripe for the picking by Lightning Amen and the Christ Family.

    Not everyone who followed Lightning Amen and joined the Christ Family were true believers. Most of the men I identified as his "disciples" were opportunists who benefited from their allegiance to Lightning Amen in the forms of drugs, sex and money. Some were criminals with records, others were just criminals. They saw a pecking order and fit into it in a way that offered them the fruits being harvested by the weakest among them. Like almost any other religion/cult, these victims gave up everything they had to Lightning Amen so that he could live in a nice home on a nice property, never having to lift a finger for himself. Frankie was one of these victims, and I hope he is alive and well, wherever he is.

  68. Anyone who wants to contact me directly can do so at the name i have given here. JoeJettagli @

    Of course I added spaces before and after @ so they will have to be removed before sending the email

  69. lots of truth in your story. There are Christ Brothers who never go near that camp. Let me put it to you this way. Lets say it is 3000 years ago and you are walking around a find a bunch of people freezing in a cave. Lets say you ask, "why don't you just build a fire". Lets say, there response is, What fucking fire? there is no such thing as fire. You leave but one person follows you and learns how to build a fire. Now there are two. You go you way he goes his. But while at first there was one fire builder now there are two. Soon there will be four, then eight. Then 16 and so on. Today on the internet and Facebook are groups discussing the perfection of non violence and the life of not eating animals or wearing leather. They are using the language correctly and calling dead animals eating flesh. They are talking about poverty and what they can do personally to eliminate it. this is the life of Christ. amen.

    1. You are a narcissist too and asshole.

    2. You have no real personality. You are a fake. Nothing like Christ.

    3. What's your definition of a Christ brother bro? You are not like Christ at all.You're delusional. You live a lie. If you do not have unconditional love and understanding you are nothing.

    4. I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

      4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

      8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

      13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

    5. “And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.”

    6. 1 Corinthians 13:2 Context

      1Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 2And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. 3And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. 4Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity flaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 5Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;


  70. Avoid religious narcissist like the plague.

  71. 1 Corinthians 13
    If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
    If I have the gift of prophecy & can fathom all mysteries & all knowledge, & if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
    If I give all I possess to the poor & give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

    ..the greatest of these is love. Yes it’s easier to judge. Yes, it’s easier to place the blame on someone else. Yes it’s easier to ignore someone than to help someone. The real challenge is to love someone. The real strength is being patient. Healing from hurt comes in after love. See, you can perform all of the righteous acts, but the Bible says if you lack love, then all of it is done in vain. If you lack love, then you are doing these acts from a selfish place rather than a selfless place. You can add on your merits, tally up your accomplishments, & round up all of your followers.. but if you lack love, then your grand total is.. nothing.

    1 Corinthians 13
    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

  72. This conversation about something (and someone) not found on Wikipedia, has become something not found on Wikipedia. Interesting and rewarding. Thanks to all who contribute.

  73. 11:25 AM (2 hours ago)
    11:25 AM (2 hours ago)
    to S

    Summations: The Christ Family lives by these rules. No killing, no sex and no materialsim. It is a reduction of the ten commandments. The Ten Commandments are important because it is a social code that got the human race out of the ancient world alive. People are judged by how they practice these laws and how their children practice them. It is a universal pass so to speak that allows a person to cross cultural boundaries. But at first it wasn't that way. The Isrealites were chased the very first day of their , before the sun had set. History records Moses coming down with a set of stones that he refused to deliver. Then returning again with another set. The Christ Family, or Brotherhood, believes the the first stones said, No Killing, No Sex and No Materialism. These were the laws Jesus practiced. So the concept of The Holy Bible was witnessed when they tried to take His Life and couldn't. The Holy Bible more correctly translate to The Transparent Life. It is not a book. It is a minute by minute, step by step and breath by breath example to others as you discipline yourself. Hence the word Disciple. The whole of the Catholic Church has taught throughout its history that Jesus was born of a virgin. So that certainly reinforces the concept of no sex. The priesthood practices celibacy. In the Christ Family the whole church practices celibacy. In the gospels Jesus is recorded as saying, "children in this world marry and are given in marriage, but in the beginning it was not so. As it was in the beginning it shall be in the end." In the beginning doesn't take a scholar to find in the written scriptures. They are the first three words and what follows is Moses' description of Our descent from the immortals ("let Us make man in Our Image) to the mortal or human form. They are also described before the fall as "not knowing not their nakedness". Likewise the diet is described as "food that grows from the ground and tree bearing fruit with the seed of its kind". This is all very specifically worded. So all these things that we do now, divide into political divisions, form opposing states and militaries, commit genocide against one division or another, and even worse, justifiy it, were not so as Jesus is quoted, "in the beginning". In this particular sermon, Jesus was teaching celibacy.

    1. The Christ Family is history. Few could live by the rules. You are no saint, by claiming to be a " Christ Brother and a crazy cult follower" You are a delusional bipolar lying asshole.

  74. Now the first commandment is the commandment against Idolatry.  And you remember from your textbooks, or study or Greek or Roman or Egyptian history, there were many false gods. Idols. These were called organized religions. But in this modern age, as the ancient world, the most common idol is the one that looks back at you in the mirror. There is makeup, hair styles, hair color, fashion, clothes, shoes and so on. This is idolatry in its most basic form. But an even  worse act of idolatrythat  can be permanent and will affect her social and parenting skills with permanent debilitating injuries including addiction and child abuse.  So the Christ Family says don't eat flesh. As a matter of fact, don't eat any products of death or bondage and then we tell you what they are. Milk, eggs, butter, cheese, honey, leather and flesh.   Furthermore, the Christ Family teaches as a single unit, this is in fact the First Key to Heaven on Earth. Again, from the gospels, Jesus tells Peter He will give him the key(s) to heaven. K-E-Y-S. A first grader can tell you what that means. two or more. There are three. So is there any argument. Does it makes sense or not make sense that a man who refused to allow His disciples to use violence to defend his own life would teach no killing in its perfect form? Any argument on no sex? The whole Christine church was nsm. You give your work ,or in this case you share your good deeds and the gifts from our mother, the land. We defend her from poisons. We give to those who have need. The third key to heaven on earth. Any dissension? Every Christ brother or sister had a mother and father. My dad amd I discussed this very issue.  He said, no it is not meant to be. I said this, quoting scripture, "Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from Evil. Very simple, but it clearly speaks of the kingdom of heaven on earth. And Jesus clearly speaks of the keys to heaven. And the gospel clearly speaks of the origins and Jesus clearly says, "as it was in the beginning it shall be in the end". So I'm a Christ Brother. The white robes make us targets. It takes a lot of faith to walk barefoot in a white robe. If as we say, in our worldly religions, and a man walked among us and was crucified and resurrected,  that's the what. Above is the how. The how was lost in history but now it has come back. The word brother means Same Life. Jesus said, "greater miracles than these will you do in my name". These Christ Brothers are living saints. Don't think they are not. There are other living saints in all walks of life. This essay is to help you understand a cult and not a cult. Not a cult you will find no conflicts with the first authority, Moses. In a cult there will be conflicts with Moses' instructions. Greed. give me your money. No Christ Brother ever said, give me your money. Sex. pervert yourself for me. Nope. not that. And go to the store and buy some ribs? Idon't think so. Earlier on the thread is a mental health worker,now a Dr. He states he went to Hemet, kicked it with the Christ Brothers. Ok, lets find out. Did you see anyone cook dead animals? Yes or no.  Simple. A Christ Brother is a true seeker. He can go through any one of more walks of life. But he is a true seeker. IF he doesn't find what he wants, he moves on. Money, sex glamour, fame, none of that is of interest. He is the proverbial man who can't be bribed. Thanks for listening. A Christ Brother. "In the kingdom of heaven there is no better, no worse". Happy John. Amen and blessing to you all. 

    1. You are clearly sick, twisted, and perverted. Are you walking barefoot, living in faith living no KSM. None of the self called Christ brothers and sisters were or are saints. NONE and that includes you.

  75. Sounds like a bunch of pseudo. Christian psycho babble. Bro. You are a sinner, not a saint. A Christ brother? No you are not even close. You are just a delusional , sorry son of a bitch. Dumb ass.
