Important links

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Dr. Ian Whillans

A climatologist, an important one, with both a subglacial lake in Antarctica and an ice stream in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, (formerly known as Ice Stream B), named for him.

No article on Wikipedia.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The warming hole

The warming hole is an area of the United States that has not warmed.

[1] In the last 25 years of the 20th century most major land regions experienced a summer warming trend, but the central U.S. cooled by 0.2–0.8 K. In contrast most climate projections using GCMs show warming for all continental interiors including North America. source
The observed lack of twentieth-century warming in the central United States (CUS), denoted here as the “warming hole,” was examined in 55 simulations driven by external historical forcings and in 19 preindustrial control (unforced) simulations from 18 coupled general circulation models (CGCMs).
In the central US

Google scholar
Is a Decline of AMOC Causing the Warming Hole
Mechanisms Contributing to the Warming Hole
AMS paper
Paper one
Paper two
Paper three
Paper four
Possible source of clouds causing cooling
Scientific paper
Climate Central wrong as usual

Not found on Wikipedia

Monday, October 27, 2014

How science really works

Inspired by a web site on science

Science is an ongoing endeavor. It did not end with the most recent edition of your college physics textbook and will not end even once we know the answers to big questions, such as how our 20,000 genes interact to build a human being or what dark matter is. So long as there are unexplored and unexplained parts of the natural world, science will continue to investigate them.
Most typically in science, answering one question inspires deeper and more detailed questions for further research. Similarly, coming up with a fruitful idea to explain a previouslyanomalous observation frequently leads to new expectations and areas of research. So, in a sense, the more we know, the more we know what we don't yet know. As our knowledge expands, so too does our awareness of what we don't yet understand. For example, James Watson and Francis Crick's proposal that DNA takes the form of a double helix helped answer a burning question in biology about the chemical structure of DNA. And while it helped answer one question, it also generated new expectations (e.g., that DNA is copied via base pairing), raised many new questions (e.g., how does DNA store information?), and contributed to whole new fields of research (e.g., genetic engineering). Like Watson and Crick's work, most scientific research generates new expectations, inspires new questions, and leads to new discoveries.

The Neurophone

While there is a redirect to the inventor, Wikipedia doesn't have an article for it, doesn't actually tell you what it is, what it does, or even what it looks like.  Much less does it really work or not?

Something I would like to know!

Google Scholar

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Shift + spacebar (computer keyboard shortcut)

Shift + spacebar reverses the spacebar function. On Windows OS

I was sure this would be found on Wikipedia

I was wrong.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

boreal cold-season (Oct-Mar)

"Boreal" when used in climate research, or scientific papers on climate, means Northern Hemisphere.

So when you see boreal cold-season (Oct-Mar) it means the Northern Hemisphere cold season.


GISS calls it the Northern Hemisphere cold season.

Austral winter, Austral spring, Austral summer

In science the term used for the Southern Hemisphere (SH) is "Austral", as in "Austral winter".  citation

"boreal winter" (or "boreal spring" or summer or fall), is shorthand for "Northern Hemisphere winter". (NH winter)

You will not find any of this information on Wikipedia.

Boreal Spring, Boreal summer, Boreal winter

In science the term "boreal winter" (or "boreal spring" or summer or fall), is shorthand for "Northern Hemisphere winter". (NH winter)


The term used for the Southern Hemisphere (SH) is "Austral", as in "Austral winter".  citation

None of this will be found on Wikipedia.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Global Warming Theory found on Wikipedia! Long since deleted.

In 2004 Global Warming Theory (otherwise knows as the greenhouse gas theory, AGW, the CO2 theory, or the enhanced greenhouse theory of climate change) actually existed on Wikipedia.

It seems several times, in 2004 especially, there were long edit wars and of course WC was involved, to remove any mention of theory from the global warming page.  Even the greenhouse theory was removed.  Even  the article about the originator of the theory, Arrhenius, had the word theory removed.

In 1896 he published a long memoir “On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air Upon the Temperature of the Ground,” in which he developed a theory for the explanation of the glacial periods and other great climatic changes, based on the ability of carbon dioxide to absorb the infrared radiation emitted from the earth’s surface. Although the theory was based on thorough calculations, it won no recognition from geologists. In 1898 Arrhenius wrote a remarkable paper on the action of cosmic influence on physiological processes.

Svante August Arrhenius

Fixedreference, a web site with copies of Wikipedia fixed in time, has a copy of the Global Warming article before the word theory was removed from it. (edit September 28 2019: Fixedreference no longer an active site, link does not work) has copies of the fixedreference page

Friday, September 5, 2014


Of course something real like a scientific report
that includes 
A Program for Action 

It doesn't have an article on Wikipedia. 
It doesn't even show up as a source on any article.

full text here Internet Archive (no images)

Scanned version of 1975 report here Senate Document no. 94-155

used as a source here 

1. Climatic changes — Research. I. Title. QC981.8.C5U54 1975 551.6 75-827 ISBN 0-309-02323-8 Available from Printing and Publishing Office, National Academy of Sciences 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20418

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Temperature record of the arctic

Of course this one is not on Wikipedia

And it's so easy to find using Google Image search, it's sort of funny, but it makes this entry easy.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Younger Peron

While it is obviously "something", a name used for the second highest Holocene highstand, Wikipedia has no article for it.  It does appear (of course) in various articles, but there is no definition, explanation or graphic showing it.

Here it is used in a book.

Climate theory, theory of climate, theory of climate change

None of those have an article on Wikipedia.

This is just not possible by chance or error.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Older Peron Submergence

Attempts to remove any data about sea level from the Older Peron article are happening.  Have happened.

Image of sea level from Quaternary Sea-Level Changes: A Global Perspective
 By Colin V. Murray-Wallace, Colin D. Woodroffe

From a 1974 CIA report on Climate (concern over cooling) there is this image, based on Lamb


No doubt based on a blog entry here, Bob and company at Wikipedia have tried to remove any reference to higher sea levels during the Older Peron, in essence changing the past (but only on Wikipedia).  The first edit happened right after his comments on that blog post. 

Thankfully they have no power to remove the thousands of references and papers from the rest of the world.  

Actual Science, something often lacking on Wikipedia. 

And to be sure, I won't be mentioning other scientific pages on Wikipedia in the future, since this allows the vandals to find where to remove information.

Monday, July 28, 2014

JB Sigwart, Louis Frank or the "small comet" theory

No article for JB Sigwart, John B. Sigwart, Louis Frank or the "small comet" theory

Which didn't actually surprise me.  The official small comet page at the University of Iowa.

The ultimate test proved the reality of the holes, but to this day the observations are denied, or not mentioned, or something.  I don't actually know.  Everything went quiet back in 2001 after the proof was undeniable.

Certainly there are good reasons to deny it's small comets, as noted on this NASA page. (1997) But what are they?  And why is there no entry on Wikipedia?  Most odd.  Tempting to start the articles, but experience has shown what a pain in the ass that would become.  Until the articles were all deleted.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Watt per square meter

Does not exist on Wikipeida

And it's not because it's missing an "s"

Watts per square meter does not exist.

It is the  SI unit for  the power of electromagnetic radiation per unit area (radiative flux) incident on a surface. Radiant emittance or radiant exitance is the power per unit area radiated by a surface.

So it a measuremnt of  the power either landing on or leaving a surface, 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Reliable fact based articles that involve "warming" in any way

I've noticed the terrible bias about anything global warming on Wikipedia many times on this blog.  Sometimes it's so blatant, so wrong, I'm tempted to edit and fix something, but that usually involves some ignorant person (who may have added the info in the first place) changing it back, or worse.  So instead, this blog post.  (I may go change it later, and note what happens)

Today I was reading the Juneau Icefield and Mendenhall Glacier articles.  The glacier article says
 " including Mendenhall Glacier. The glacier has also receded 1.75 miles (2.82 km) since 1958"

The Juneau Icefield article says "On the west side of the icefield, from 1946-2009, the terminus of the Mendenhall Glacier has retreated over 700 metres (0.43 mi)".

Obviously both can't be true.  Looking at a scientific source about it I find "Mendenhall Glacier has retreated 2800 meters since 1910 and 580 meters since 1948." source

The Mendenhall Glacier article doesn't have a single reference that states scientific measurements of it.   It does include
 "Quantifying the Consensus on Anthropogenic Global Warming in the Scientific Literature". Retrieved 17 October 2013.
 "Climate Change: Basic Information". Retrieved 17 October 2013.

Neither of which are scientific sources of information on the glacier.  Neither source even mentions the Mendenhall Glacier.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Dynamic theory of tides

Used to be there, but thanks to the ceasless efforts of some Wikipedians, it is no longer found.  Even the article on tides, which it redirects to, no longer mentions the theory.

The well written and well sourced article is still available on a user page.

Reddit page with animation of the nodal points

Entire blog about the tides (highly recommended)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The CO2 Theory (Enhanced greenhouse theory of global warming)

Not found on Wikipedia

The CO2 theory is the theory called global warming theory, or Anthropogenic climate change, or Anthropogenic Global Warming,  (AGW), or the Enhanced greenhouse theory of global warming, or the greenhouse theory of climate change, or CO2 Theory of Global Warming or the Enhanced greenhouse effect theory of climate change , or The greenhouse warming theory, or the CO2 Thesis, none of which have entries on Wikipedia.

CO2 thesis

It's not that they are not used on Wikipeida, they just don't have articles, definitions, or discussion pages on how to improve the article about them. Here it is used by Hansen in Hansen et al 1981

Hansen et al 1981, another thing not found on Wikipedia.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Holocene sea-level highstand

This technical term appears in tens of thousands of publications.

For example

But you won't find an article explaining it on Wikipedia.  It might now even appear in any article, it really seems to depend on who has deleted sources on any given day. the fact of it does exist, like in the article on raised beaches
As stated above, there was at least one higher sea level during the Holocene, so that some notches may not contain a tectonic component in their formation.
 But you won't find it stated that there was a Holocene sea-level highstand. This is part of the general idiocy that dominates Wikipedia at present.  No mention of the sea level being higher than present will be allowed on Wikipedia.  You will find it hidden in different articles.  Unless one of the censors of Wikipedia reads this blog, in which case the links here may no longer work.

Because anybody can edit Wikipedia.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Article for Brückner cycle still not found

Brückner cycle

How ignorant can Wikipedia be?  Pretty damn ignorant actually.

I used to start articles there, but now I put them in my blog.  That way I don't have to be censored, or have idiots with time on their hands tell me what is what.

Paper on Bruckner cycles

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Bleach Yard ( the Bleech Yard ) AKA Hobe Mountain

Old landmark in Hobe Sound Florida.  High hill visible from the sea, with large white areas or patches.  Which are actually white sand.  Or used to be. Or it might actually be in Jensen Beach.

On an old map

Discussion of the matter found here and here and in an old book
And in from A Concise Natural History of East and West Florida
 By Bernard Romans

Manuscript calling it Hobe Mountain from the Spanish River papers, 1984
Other significant landmarks were the high sand dunes a few miles north of each inlet on the edge of their sounds. Romans describes the largest one as the Bleach Yard "full of white spots," and "the first of note from the Neversinks in the Jerseys." It was called Las Ropa Tendida by the Spanish because the white spots resembled "clothes stretched out to dry."

The 86-foot sand dune, a relic of the last ice age when it stood on the ocean shore, is now called Hobe Mountain in Dickinson State Park. Romans mistakenly places it north of St. Lucie Inlet where another dune, once known as Mt. Elizabeth, is located on the campus of Florida Institute of Technology.

Daniel F. Austin

From the ocean at the Jupiter Inlet one of the most remarkable natural features inland is a
hill called "Hobe Mountain." This hill is within the Jonathan Dickinson State Park, and is presently topped with a platform that makes a convenient place to survey the surrounding countryside. Few who visit the site realize the role in history this promontory has played.

Although the naming of the hill dates from the first Spanish occupation of Florida (1513-1763), most of the early Spanish maps contain too little detail for this inland feature. Still, it was known at an early date to the Spanish mariners as an important landmark for determining their position along the coast. One of the first references to the site was given by Calderon, the Bishop of Cuba, in 1675. Yet, it was the maps from the English Period (1763-1783) that brought into common usage the name for the hill.

The first English surveys down the eastern coast of Peninsular Florida were made in the early 1760s by W. G. DeBrahm and Bernard Romans. While DeBrahm had a tendency to give sites new names, usually commemorating rich or powerful people in Europe, Romans attempted to retain the old Spanish place names. It is from the Romans' survey that we learn that the tall hill north of Jupiter was ". . . the hill by the Spaniards called Ropas Tendidas, and by us . . . (called) Bleach Yard." On their map of 1776 Sayer & Bennett wrote: "the Bleach Yard a High Hill full of white spots remarkable Land Mark." These commentaries are consistent with the later historical record that Bleach Yard was also the place called by the Spanish "Ropas Estendias." This idea, according to Vignoles in 1823, was ". . .from the large spots of land uncovered by vegetation, presenting to the coasting mariner the appearance of linen spread out on the hills. . ." Both the names "Beach Yard" and "Ropas Estendias" continued in use well into the Second Seminole "War and appeared on the Hood map of 1838 and the Tanner map of 1839.

Another old name for the same site was apparently given first by Stork in 1767 as "Baldhead Mount."  This appelation appeared sporadically on subsequent maps, as on the Jefferys map of 1792, and the Gauld map of 1794. Following this time period it seems to have been dropped. Even this descriptor alludes to a hill with areas open of vegetation so that it seemed bald. These names give some of the natural history of this particular site. First, they all refer to a high hill which was either bare on top or had many open spots that showed between the vegetation. The vegetation of these high ridges and hills was then and continues to be scrub. This is a pine woods dominated by several plants adapted to living under stressful conditions. The trees are scrub pines  (Pinus clausa), and the understory of shrub layer is made up of a variety of oaks (Quercus spp.), saw palmetto and a shrub called rosemary (Ceratiola ericoides). Some think that this habitat may have occupied these sandy hills for about 15,000 years or even longer. One of the striking features of this hill today is that there are only a few open spots of white sand visible from any angle. Even from the ocean where early surveyors and explorers would have seen it, the site appears as a dark green hill.

This suggests that it was changed markedly since at least the middle 17OOs. The change has been a maturing of the scrub vegetation so that it has closed in the white sandy spots and made them green. A time-frame for the change is still not very good, since it is not possible to determine when the final shift occurred. Indeed, we do not know for sure that it has occurred only once. Still, the hill continued to be called Bleach Yard or Ropas Estendias in the late 1830s. Perhaps it was a change that occurred after that time.

Such an interpretation of the disappearance of the white spots is further supported by a shift in the location of a place called Bleach Yard. In the 184Os a place on Lake Worth began to be labeled "Bleach Yard Haulover." Other sites in the region were not named with anything resembling this. Through the Third Seminole War the Lake Worth site continued to be called "Bleach Yard Haulover" and appeared, for example, on the Ives Military map of 1856. On later maps the terms Bleach Yard and Ropas Estendias finally disappeared.

Although it has not been possible to pin down the time "Hobe Mountain" began to be used, it possibly dates from near the beginning of Jonathan Dickinson State Park. The first part of this name is clear enough in its origin, having come from the Indians the early European visitors found there - - the Jobe. This name has seen various renditions on maps, from Hobe to Hoe-bay.

English map-makers saw this as a reference to the Greek Diety Jobe, and Anglicized it to "Jupiter."

The name Jupiter is now applied only to a town and inlet. The second word "mountain" may seem out of place in the flatlands of peninsular Florida, but historically it is not.

Many of the early 16OOs and 17OOs Spanish maps depict a range of mountains down the center of the peninsula. While these have been shown to be fictitious, the elevation of Hobe Mountain does make it distinctive from the surrounding lands. Although an average elevation in that part of Martin County may be about 20 feet, Hobe Mountain reaches up to 86 feet. Surely this seemed like a mountain to people more familiar with elevations ranging from sea level to about thirty feet.
  Location on Google maps

This may be the actual historical site, the highest point in Jensen Beach.

Meanwhile, completely unrelated
Interesting circular beach mounds on Google maps

The mounds below are not the Bleech Yard, but ancient Indian mounds, as yet undisturbed. 

I found them while searching for the Bleech Yard.  Yet another thing not found on Wikipedia/