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Sunday, July 21, 2024

“Why Don’t You – Yes But” from Eric Berne (Games People Play)

Explained here, from Eric Berne himself. He writes, "... occupies a special place in game analysis, because it was the original stimulus for the concept of games. It was the first game to be dissected out of its social context, and since it is the older subject of game analysis, it is one of the best understood" Full text of the book Games People Play

Mentioned twice on Wikipedia, "Why Don't You — Yes But," and "Why Don't You... / Yes, But...", but no agreement on how it is presented.  Nor is the game explained. (“Why Don’t You – Yes But” is correct)

No explanation of the game is found on Wikipedia.  And of course, no article.  

Try making an article about the game, and have fun watching it go away.

"Yes, but" is actually larger than this original game now.

Some links (that would be used for an article) (a different example) (has a quote from Berne) (yes, but being promoted as a good thing)

and of course the two Wikipedia article also have sources.

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