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Sunday, November 5, 2023

The words of H. H. Lamb from his 1984 lecture to the British Association for the Advancement of Science

As is so often the case, what is not found, used to be found.  Somebody with an agenda removed it, and made sure it could not be found.

 In a 1984 lecture on "the future of the earth" given to the [[British Science Association|British Association for the Advancement of Science]], Lamb cautioned that the effects of carbon dioxide on global warming might be less than expected, and pointed to the possibilities of error or misjudgement in preparing temperature series, referring particularly to the [[urban heat island]] effect.<ref name="Pearce IX">[[Fred Pearce|Pearce, Fred]], ''The Climate Files: The Battle for the Truth about Global Warming'', (2010) [[Guardian Books]], ISBN: 978-0-85265-229-9, pp. 29–30.</ref>

The person who deleted information from Wikipedia is well known for doing this.  He even was removed from his esteemed position there.  (it was reported he did this to over 10,000 articles on Wikipedia)

He didn't just remove the information, he also removed the source of it, so now any infro from Fred Pearce is not found on the article.    

And it's no surprise the source is also not found on Wikipedia. Not even on the Fred Pearce article.

The only place Google search finds that paragraph is on the Bishop Hill blog.  

guest post by Bernie Lewin

That blog entry also includes how and who deleted the info from Wikipedia. 

The blog has links to sources for more info.

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