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Sunday, March 5, 2023

Monkey Fever, Manganakayile or Monkey Disease

 Monkey Fever also called Manganakayile (The name in Kannada,  a Dravidian language spoken predominantly by the people of Karnataka in southwestern India]

It appears as 

Kyasanur Forest disease

but no redirects from the common and old names for it.  That article has Monkey Disease and Monkey Fever in the "other names", but curiously no redirects if you search for Monkey Fever.

This is one of those easy to fix matters, making a couple of redirects.  But as is the case at times, I find it more amusing to leave the actual names unfound.

But when NIV’s scientists isolated the virus from a Hanuman langur, they found it to be a pathogen distinct from the Yellow Fever virus. They named the virus after the Kyasanur Forest, where it was first found.

It was also NIV’s scientists who came up with an early working hypothesis of where in the forest the virus was coming from — their research suggested that the virus survived in rodents. However, they found that monkeys also played an important role in disease transmission. When ticks transmitted the virus to monkeys, monkeys amplified the virus, thus turning their bodies into disease hotspots. Unsuspecting forest dwellers venturing near these sick monkeys were highly likely to become infected, again through tick bites. This is how KFD got its common moniker: the Monkey Fever or manganakayile in Kannada.

source 2022

Found this info while researching vaccines that don't work, and the corruption graft and lies surrounding the matter. Something else not found on Wikipedia.

The following info on the vaccine is out of date and incorrect.

Prevention is by vaccination, as well as preventive measures such as protective clothing and tick population control. The vaccine for KFDV consists of formalin-inactivated KFDV. The vaccine has a 62.4% effectiveness rate for individuals who receive two doses. For individuals who receive an additional dose, the effectiveness increases to 82.9%.[15] 


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