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Saturday, November 26, 2022

How influenza spreads each year

 Not found on Wikipedia (thought the article gets real close)

The main article used  as a source for the Wikipedia article doesn't mention it.  Long answer short, it's ducks.  Pooping in water.  The virus mutates in ducks each year, when they migrate south, they infect bodies of water with flu laden poop.  It spreads through domestic ducks, chickens, maybe turkeys, pigs and people, through poop.

The long answer is much longer.

To be continued ...

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Changed the blog title

 thingsnotfoundonwikipedia rarely comes up in a search engine.  So notfoundonwikipedia will work just as well

Which is to say almost never lol

Bottom Friction, bottom friction (updated Aug 19 2023)

The term is used on Wikipedia, it just isn't defined or explained. In short, not found on wikipedia.  Not even on the article for wave (waves).  I find that remarkable.

Bottom Friction 

c is a dimensional bottom friction coefficient with units of inverse time and provides for the drag on the bottom layer

From: International Geophysics, 2000

It is a very important thing, if you are trying to do advanced physics involving water, the ocean, the tides, tidal currents and the like.

Randall Carlson

 Not found, and also deleted!

Usually this means somebody is awesome.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Update on the Christ Family (Cult)

All kinds of stories due to DNA allowing the bodies of the murdered couple being identified, the missing baby identified, found and reunited with here family

 Original blog post is here

(That post has a very extensive set of comments, that includes information also not found on Wikipedia)

Previous update is here