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Friday, April 15, 2022

Groomer (and also OK Groomer)

The old page

Now it redirects to bridegroom lol

Definitely not found on Wikipedia, but the term is mentioned here

Groomer is a term for an adult who prepares a child for sexual abuse, or worse.  You have to go to urban dictionary to find it defined.  Child grooming used to be a positive term.  Now it all about sexual grooming.

a groomer is someone who builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulateexploit and abuse them.

A much older adult who has sex with teenagers.
"At the age of 16, an attractive, naïve, yet horribly precocious only child living in Twickenham, Barber began a two-year sexual relationship with a much older man whom she calls Simon. Nowadays, flashy Simon, with his posh motors and fancy cigars, would be called a predator or a groomer but back then, still in the days when even the brightest girls were expected to bag a man at the first opportunity, it was Barber's parents who actively encouraged the affair." (Review in The Scotsman, July 15, 2009)

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