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Sunday, May 2, 2021

Antev’s Altithermal (the climate period discovered and named by Ernst Valdemar Antevs)

 This one is a little hard to believe, but not only is there no entry, the redirect for Altithermal doesn't mention Antevs at all.

And of course no mention of the period named for him on Antevs page

This one is pretty easy because many good sources exist online.

In 1948, Antevs published the 3-part Neothermal Climatic Sequence based on the Great Basin lake histories and on Great Basin arroyo geomorphology. This chronology preceded Libby's radiocarbon dating, and was based on Swedish Varve Chronology. The term "Altithermal" remains a central feature in Southwestern archaeological chronologies.

  • Medithermal 0 - 4500
  • Altithermal (hot-dry) 4500 - 7000
  • Anathermal 7000 - 10,150  - version  - version

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