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Thursday, May 9, 2013


Wikigroaning will probably  NEVER be found on Wikipedia.

Hope springs eternal. (Truthiness used to be forbidden, but now it has an article)

There is a way to see what used to be in Wikipedia.  Unless there is a deletion, the history files will show what somebody doesn't want you to read on Wikipedia.

The first Wikigroaning entry (2007)

'Wikigroaning is a term, coined in June 2007, to describe "the art of highlighting Wikipedia's bias toward things that don't matter".[1]. The practitioner "think[s] up two similar topics, one being of genuine historical or social relevance, and the other being useless to everyone but a small coterie of fans", and then compares the length of their respective Wikipedia entries.[1] A good example would be a comparison of Wikipedia's entry on knight with that on Jedi knight. The term was invented by the website Something Awful in an article entitled "The art of Wikigroaning".[2].

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