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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Why this blog? updated Dec 18 2023

It's easier and faster than adding new items to Wikipedia (something I have done now for almost a decade).  I sometimes update an entry, rather than a new blog post.

Some things can't be added to Wikipedia, because there are no sources that meet the mysterious guidelines of Wikipedia.  Like "Boreal winter".  Or "Austral winter". I hate dealing with idiots, who want to delete information. So I just use this blog.

 Mostly because I enjoy it.  And it allows a place to store links and info that isn't on Wikipedia.  My own private Idaho

Update on Dec 18 2023

The more I see pages being deleted on Wikipedia, the more I appreciate having this blog.  Wikipedia is being run by some group, but there is no way to know who it is.

1 comment:

  1. Hello SFX,
    I see your blog. Thank you for sharing.

    I commented a bunch on your Lightning Amen Christ Family blog. Have you read my comments there?

    I don't understand everything, and so I question how a person goes on with their life, and what really happens with and to them, when that person has been freely shared the truth: "Life is Most Important in Life is The Most Important Truth in Life", which really is the truth that is the cure and prevention of all needless and preventable suffering and death, and the truth that all other truths depend on always being true to then in-turn be true themselves and much more.

    I have shared that truth a bunch and I have never once heard any sort of legitimate rebuttal. The list of people who have heard and read it is quite extensive, and that is putting it mildly.

    So much so, that people who are generally considered the most intelligent among us have cried when they saw what I was saying about it being the cure and prevention of all needless and preventable suffering and death. e.g. when I put the pieces together of how that truth works and can be used to transform everything for the better.

    For some it was happy tears and for some it was tears of humiliation complete with their outright confession that they felt too scared to do the right thing, having already made other plans; not ever really expecting to have something as important as the truth that is the cure freely shared with them while they lived.
    If you didn't see or read those comments, then perhaps you will read this one.

    You do not strike me as a person claiming to know better about truth and life than your peers while also attempting to lead them. You seem to be doing what feels right you at this time.

    However, that does not change the fact that you too have been freely shared the actual cure while you lived. There is no getting around the consequences that come with the knowledge of it, if one really has it shared with them. Also, if one was not looking and listening for it, as they were told to "keep watch", that doesn't get them out of the consequences either.

    So, I am asking you, do you agree with this truth? That it is true and always true? If so, then please post it for all to see and explain it in as much detail as you possibly can, try your very honest best, repeatedly, and why you agree with it, with your name on it for others to see your responsible public witness. The immediate safety of all life that is and that will ever be depends on it. Those you love included and even your own.

    I can be easily reached if you agree and would like to discuss this at depth.

    Thank you,

    David Wishengrad
    Exorcist, 1st class
