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Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Actual GHCN weather/climate data

Actual real data from the worlds GHCN stations, not found on Wikipedia.  The Global Historic Climate Network is used to Analyze and calculate climate trends, and global temperature.  The actual real data is the basis for all climate presentations, except the Satellite data.  Which is also not found on Wikipedia.
USC00463544   38.9339  -80.8325

The actual data show natural cycles, as well as the true trends over time.  The modified versions presented by NOAA and GISS are unnatural, and do not match reality.

The Lewisburg station is the only UCS station in the county.  This means it is a GHCN station, the one for the region. The problems are obvious.  If you are looking to see what is real.

How can you know the actual data is realistic?  While the "adjusted" data is nonsense?

Compare stations with each other.  


Actual real data from weather stations, that have good records of what actually was observed, show similar trends and anomalies.  Modifies data does not show reality.

None of this, by which I mean what is true, what  is actual reality, will be found on Wikipedia.