Important links

Friday, December 9, 2022

Bernhard Goetz (1,380,000 results on Google) the subway vigilante (555,000 results on Google)

 Very famous person, and event, in fact anyone of a certain age knows exactly who that is, and what happened.

Neither is found on Wikipedia.  In fact, if you or anyone else tries to create an article, you will be banned, and the article deleted.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

See current wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions, as forecast by supercomputers, on an interactive animated map. Updated every three hours. 

a visualization of global weather conditions
forecast by supercomputers
updated every three hours


ocean surface current estimates
updated every five days

Help and instruction

Not found on Wikipedia

Hanns Hoerbiger's Cosmic Ice Theory

 Not found on Wikipedia. (it can however be found under Welteislehre). And on RatiionalWiki

I first saw ir here

The Story of Hanns Hoerbiger's Cosmic Ice Theory

Published by lpetrich

Winter of 2009

Winter of 2009 has been deleted. not found on Wikipedia

It was mentioned as an example of a winter that WAS FOUND on Wikipedia, way back in One of the early post on this blog

Wokepedia, where articles vanish, with no record of who did it, or what was lost.  In this case the user who created the article was also sent down the memory hole, no longer found on Wikipedia

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Global warming theory

 You won't find "global warming theory" on Wikipedia.

Even though it once existed there.

Now you get a redirect to "climate change", which does not mention the theory.  The theory is also known as the "greenhouse theory of climate change", which you will also not find on Wikipedia.