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Friday, October 28, 2022

Wokee, or wokee

 wokee or Wokee, not found on Wikipedia

" Wokee is a Digital Savings owned by Bank Bukopin"

(Wokee express is a take out restaurant in Arizona)

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Spite update

 Despite the article being a dictionary definition of a word, it survived all efforts to have it deleted.  

"All efforts" being 6 people commented and then quietly an unknown person decided to keep it

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Connolley's Wiki-wars

 If you read about it on Wikipedia, you might think little occurred, and that poor William was a victim lol

As with almost anything controversial, the Wikipedia version has little resemblance to reality, or as in this case, is a total fabrication

The entire story is far too much for a blog entry here, but the matter was so widespread, so egregious, it is studied as an example of bias, censorship, lies, deceit and just how awful things can be on Wikipedia

Tuesday, October 18, 2022


 Not found on Wikipedia

Tawpie, “a foolish young person,” comprises tawp-, an element of Scandinavian origin, and -ie, a diminutive suffix also found in dearie and sweetieTawp- is likely related to Danish tåbe, Norwegian tåpe, and Swedish tåp, all meaning “simpleton, fool,” from Old Norse. Because of the Vikings’ colonization of Scotland a millennium ago, numerous words of Norse origin became entrenched in the languages and dialects of Scotland. One such borrowing is kilt, which may be related to Norwegian kilte, “to bind, fasten up.” Tawpie was first recorded in English in the 1720s.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Concern for the past

  No, not an article about Concern for the past, which is understandable.  I sometimes am concerned that an old entry here will actually show up on Wikipedia, making my blog post silly.

But when I check there is still no article.  This is both astounding (when it has been 9 years), but also amusing.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The dreaded "Disambiguation", something that does not exist on Wikipedia

For those that love irony, Wikipedia does not have an article for 


(not a joke)

If you look at a "disambiguation page" code, you will find 

"This is not an article; this is a disambiguation page, for directing readers quickly to intended articles."

While there is no definition, or article for 


It is "explained" as

Disambiguation in Wikipedia is the process of resolving conflicts that arise when a potential article title is ambiguous, most often because it refers to more than one subject covered by Wikipedia, either as the main topic of an article, or as a subtopic covered by an article in addition to the article's main topic 

That is not what disambiguation means of course

And disambiguation page also has no article.

I swear I am not making this up.

Of course disambiguation has a definition, it's just not found on Wikipedia.  Which is just so woke.


 Another example of how the invention of the "disambiguation page" has allowed Wikipedia to become worse than a dictionary, and worse than an encyclopedia, at the exact same time.

Typing in "placeholder" leads to a choice of 14 different possible articles.

One of which is filler, which leads to which has a link to filer, and to placeholder has a link to Filler

Orange and Paw paw, Paw Paw, or pawpaw

 Wokepedia, or rather the woke who have corrupted it to a level beyond explaining, is just awful as an encyclopedia.  Jimmy Wales agrees, and would like a replacement, because it's so awful, one of the founders has declared it really awful.  Which means it's worse than you can imagine.

Rather than an entry for orange, a fruit that almost everybody knows, you get a truly awful page with everything except an article about the fruit. (the color comes from the fruit, orange is the color of an orange.  

Pawpaw (a fruit) is exactly the same terrible example of how wokepedia is no longer an encyclopedia.