Important links

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Boreal winter

 Still not found on Wikipedia

(it means winter in the Northern Hemisphere

Austral winter is found, but it's incorrect

Austral winter is winter in the Southern Hemisphere

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Octohat OCTOHAT Octo hat

 It seems to be a British term, based on 8 cornered hats worn at graduation for Doctorate students

But I can find no source for this

Definitely not found on Wikipedia

Saturday, October 3, 2020

GISS changes the "data" once again

 A quick comparing of the 2015 version vs the 2020 version of GISS "data"

Since they regularly change the "data" I call it "data" rather than data

2020 version
2015 version

2020 version
2015 version

5 years from now it will be yet again different


You will not find this on Wikipedia

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The controversy over Louis Agassiz’s 1837 ice age theory is found!

Louis Agassiz’s 1837 ice age theory, seems pretty well known now.  But he didn't come up with it, this is found and not found on Wikipedia.

But what does not appear on the Agassiz page, on Wikipedia, or Britannica, is that he stole it from Karl Shimper

This knowledge does appear, in a brief way,  in the Karl Schimper article

This remarkable paper published 50 years after gives a wonderful account of the whole sordid matter.

Just beautiful writing in that old text, thanks to for saving it from obscurity

It's mentioned in

A Short History of Nearly Everything

Saturday, July 4, 2020

The carbon dioxide theory of the ice ages by John Tyndall

Not even on his page!

As best as can be told, nowhere on Wikipedia  (no surprise actually) has it archived here

Calculation shows that doubling or tripling the amount of the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere increases the average sea level temperature by about 4° and 7°K, respectively; halving or reducing to zero the carbon dioxide decreases the temperature by similar amounts. Such changes in temperature are about the same as those which occur when the earth passes from an ice age to a warm age, or vice versa. Thus the calculation indicates that the carbon dioxide theory of the ice ages, originally proposed by Tyndall, is a possible theory.

See also  Louis Agassiz’s 1837 ice age theory

Thursday, June 25, 2020

The entry that started this blog, Sycamore Spring Reservoir AZ

Sycamore Reservoir, and Sycamore Dam, also called Sycamore Spring Reservoir (map) (map)

A wondrous place not found on Wikipedia.  The old dam was built to supply water to a prison camp built on Mt Lemon AZ

Nice picture here

Google maps wide view

Google maps close up

Google street view of entrance to the area

The Vandal Minimum

A cold climate period following the Roman warm period

133 hits on Google scholar

No Wikipedia entry

Nobody tried making a page yet

Friday, June 19, 2020

James C. "Jim" Robinson founder of Freerepublic

I found out Jim Robinson started and runs Free Republic, a moderated Internet forum for activists, and chat site for self-described conservatives,

No surprise he doesn't have a Wikipedia page.  

While a fictional character does, and actual person does not.

Jim Robinson not a real person has a very detailed page.

Jim Robinson, who started and runs a controversial forum does not.  It would be far too much to explain this one.

The talk page is of course interesting

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Fractal wrongness Fractal Wrongness FRACTAL WRONGNESS!

fractal wrongness

Not found on Wikipedia  (ok the term, certainly one can find examples of Fractal wrongness)

There was an entry, but it was deleted in 2008  The reason used was "uncited neoglism",a term that also does not have an entry on Wikipedia!

Urban Dictionary

The Klee mentioned in the explaining it link

Steven Klee, another thing (person) not found on Wikipedia 

(while Wikipedia has literally thousand and thousands of entries for things that literally do not exist, it is lacking in entries for things that actually do exist, which is one reason I started this blog)

Like so many things, searching for "fractal wrongness" will not allow you to find this blog entry

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Found and not found on Wikipedia, the Ferris Bueller movie and the space shuttle

In the trailer for the movie, and in the film, Ferris mentions "he'll be the first youth from Chicago to travel in the space shuttle", or "I'm the first Chicago area youth to be selected to participate in a space shuttle mission.", something removed due to the Challenger disaster occurring right before the trailer came out.  I find this an interesting factoid.

The shuttle issue is actually on Wikipedia, but it was deleted from the article.  So it is not on Wikipeda!

This was 2010, and nobody has tried to add it back to the article.

Original screenplay

Another source of the screenplay


And a blog mentioning it

Monday, May 4, 2020

Don't bother contacting Wikipedia about things not found on Wikipedia

From Wikipedia

"Note that this volunteer team cannot assist you in writing entirely new articles, answering questions about things not found on Wikipedia, or resolving disputes about content."

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Porterfield gap

Not found on Wikipedia

One in Tennessee. Has a spring which people use for drinking water!

And one in North Carolina

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Vice signalling ( or vice-signalling ) "Vice signalling" "vice-signalling"

There's a page, but it redirects to virtue signalling, and the only mention on that page is "Consequently, the antonym 'vice signalling' has emerged to refer to blatant amorality.", which is not only wrong, but almost meaningless.

Here are two pages, one says you should do it, the other says you shouldn't do it.

2019 article about vice signalling

2016 blog mentioning vice signalling

2015 political article on it

Interesting, urban dictionary does not have an entry about it