Important links

Thursday, June 25, 2020

The entry that started this blog, Sycamore Spring Reservoir AZ

Sycamore Reservoir, and Sycamore Dam, also called Sycamore Spring Reservoir (map) (map)

A wondrous place not found on Wikipedia.  The old dam was built to supply water to a prison camp built on Mt Lemon AZ

Nice picture here

Google maps wide view

Google maps close up

Google street view of entrance to the area

The Vandal Minimum

A cold climate period following the Roman warm period

133 hits on Google scholar

No Wikipedia entry

Nobody tried making a page yet

Friday, June 19, 2020

James C. "Jim" Robinson founder of Freerepublic

I found out Jim Robinson started and runs Free Republic, a moderated Internet forum for activists, and chat site for self-described conservatives,

No surprise he doesn't have a Wikipedia page.  

While a fictional character does, and actual person does not.

Jim Robinson not a real person has a very detailed page.

Jim Robinson, who started and runs a controversial forum does not.  It would be far too much to explain this one.

The talk page is of course interesting