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Monday, December 30, 2019

West Freeway Church of Christ shooting

I could not believe there was no page.  So I made one.

Here it is at

Sometimes I create things on Wikipedia, and they don't get deleted

Sometimes ,,,

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Bernhard Hugo Goetz (Bernie Goetz, Subway Vigilante)

Of course there is no entry for one of the most infamous and well known people in US history. (if you try you get a redirectt)

But if you don't know about him, or you want to know what happened with Bernie Goetz after the trials, Wikipedia has nothing.

But since he is actually a famous person, there is info from reputable sources.

You might think the "editors" of Wikipedia are following some kind of unwritten rule about not making a page for somebody who is notable for shooting other people.

That would be incorrect of course.

I don't actually know why there is no page for Goetz, and finding out will take some effort.

I am sure there was a page, and somebody changed it, deleted the info, and then felt happy about there being less info on Wikipedia, rather than more.

(10 seconds after writing that)

Of course there was a page.

(please support

There was a lot of work and effort put into the article.  Which makes sense, it was a very very major story, and part of US history, and it revolved around the actions of Bernhard Goetz.

After a little more effort, the page was "deleted" on 18:02, 16 May 2018‎ by editorBender235

This little renaming/move actually deleted the ability to see the page history of the article.  As well as all the edits and info that used to be there.

Like so many things, it no longer is found on Wikipedia.